Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Blog Tip: Failure Is Good???


I hope you have a great weekend planned ahead of you. For us living in more northern states the Fall season is upon us and cooler weather is creeping in. OK, Let me get on to my Weekly Saturday Tip.

Boy do I know this one well- Failure. I have had my share of success and will continue to but I can honestly say it is because I have never been afraid to fail.

Failure can be good if it is properly managed. If you don't learn from your failures then it is a bad thing. If you fail because you keep doing the same wrong things over and over- failure is bad. But if you fail, like I have, trying to do something good for yourself, team, your program, your family, or what ever the situation may be failure can be a great thing. The key to turning failure into a positive is to learn from why you failed.

Any time you have to make a decision that has a risk of failure you need to ask yourself some questions:

1. What are my chances of success?
2. How bad can the failure hurt my situation (family, team, self, business...)?
3. Have I done all that I can to reduce the chances of failure?
4. If I do not succeed can I come back from the failure and make it right or do I move on?
5. Am I going to be able to handle failure?

There are other questions you can ask yourself but these 5 will give you an idea of what you need to do when entering into a situation that can go either way.

The most important message and tip I can give you is don't EVER not do something worth having because you are afraid to fail. Failures give us our greatest lessons and therefore our greatest success.

I like to say to my business members, athletes, and coaches I mentor: "Start Failing Now- This Way We Can Fix It And Have Success Faster."

Yours in Speed,


PS: Some of the worst failures I have personally had and have seen are when action was not taken. If you want to have a resource that increases your chance to succeed you need to become a Speed Insider private member. Go to so you can get more success.

PSS: Let me share with you a great program that has just been released. It is going to take the basketball world by storm. Check it out at

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