Thursday, February 28, 2008

Understanding The Obvious

Family Update

Hey, they family is doing awesome. Brennen is doing great. Man, is he a good sleeper. I have no idea where he gets it from. Jae and Bailee didn't sleep well at all as babies. It is real nice though.

Bailee basketball season is done and Jae has her last game Saturday. It went by so fast. It was fun to see them develop and have a good time with new friends. They both have volleyball coming up next at the YMCA. They love VB.

Jenn and I are working like crazy with so many big things going on. The Speed Academy is entering into a new phase with our membership program and is staying steady, the site is doing real well, and of course the highly anticipated Speed Insiders is ready to rock. More on that in a moment.

Understanding The Obvious

There are some thing that occur in athletic movement that are so natural yet refused to be understood by many. The body is so amazing at how it figures out correct positions instantly when called upon. The body needs no warm up or demonstrations, it needs no coaching, it doesn't need months of strength training- so what am I talking about- THE PLYO STEP. I have written and spoke on this topic more than any other by far. It amazes me how many still refuse to recognize that they have little if any control over this innate action of the body to better produce angles of acceleration.

I recently spoke at the NFL Combine Clinic and had an audience listen to me speak shortly on this topic. As usual several shook their heads in disagreement. Now I knew I would get a chance to prove it to them during the Hands on and boy did I. I had the entire group line up in an athletic stance as best they could. I told them exactly what they were going to do- take off and run for only 3-5 yrds on my command. When I said "GO" all of them 100%, each person in each line all did the plyo step- even the Non-believers. Then I told them to try as hard as possible to NOT take the plyo step when I say go- once again they all took the step-except one person who tried to fight it. Even on his own admittance it took him way too long and it was very uncomfortable. He literally took off after the group had taken 2-3 steps. See, he was trying to re-negotiate his badies strategy to move quickly and it failed him. So, Once again- people have got to start to understand that they have less control over the human body then they think- they need to embrace the natural abilities of the body and help to clean them up when needed.

Speed Insiders Is Ready to Explode

It has been a sprint preparing this program for everyone. All I can say is; if you have any interest in discovering new and valuable information to help improve your programs and athletes you must get involved with the Speed Insiders program. It is going to launch tonight 12:01 it is going live and you don't want to be late signing up or you will miss out on some great opportunities. Be sure to go to to get on the priority charter members list.

The Speed Insiders is going to move fast- If you become a member THIS COMING MONDAY it all starts. I told you it is going to be special. I am going to start out with one of the big bonuses to the charter members only that evening. You will not have to wait to start getting valuable information on training.

Let me tell you this- "It doesn't slow down after Monday either". You are going to be getting info quick and often.

Hey, serously- I don't want you to miss out on information that will make a huge difference in your results.

OK- I have to get running and will talk to you real soon. Still lot's of stuff to do before the Launch tonight at Midnight. Don't forget to go to

Yours in Speed,


Sunday, February 24, 2008

NFL Combine Experience

What a Great Day!

Saturday morining at 9am my oldest daughter, Jae, and I headed over to the Indianapolis Convention Center and Dome for the NFL Combine Clinic. I didn't speak until 3:30 and then again at 5:15, but we wanted to take in the experience.

My youngest daughter, Bailee, really wasn't in to hanging out for that long so she, Brennen and Jenn stayed back home. Bailee had her last basketball game at the YMCA. She did well! Brennen didn't care where he went as long as he could eat, sleep and get a diaper change.

Once Jae and I got there we walked around to all the vendors and then stood on the walkway were all the coaches and players come through. Jae was about 3 feet from Tom Coughlin of the NY Giants but was able to get his autograph. The security didn't let him stop for more than one or two signings. Tony Dungy then came flying past us all with the security guard yelling "Coach Dungy can't stop, Coach Dungy can't stop". So She missed out on him as well. She was real disappointed she didn't get their autographs. Then before we knew it Jeff Fisher walked passed us and went up the stairs to the next level, followed by Coach Tice going in the opposite way. It was fun for me to see Jae's eyes light when she realized who they were.

In the Clinic

While we were in the clinic area, I spent a lot of time talking with some great strength coaches and friends. They were all so good to Jae and spent some time asking her questions- good people! Some of the people we hung out with were; Duane Carlisle, just named the head strength coach for the 49ers.,Mark Verstagen, ownwer of athletes performance in Arizona, Robb Rogers, one of the directors of sports performance at St.Vincent and long time college strength coach, Greg Moore, performance coach at St. Vincent and in charge of the NFL combine training for the facility, and David Craig, a long time pacers Athletic Trainer and now in the front office. They were all great to speak with and so kind to Jae (who by the way, did an amazing job of sitting through all the clinic). Jae actually helped me demonstrate during my hands on session. I'm so proud of her!

My Presentation

I spoke on "How to Maximize Multi-Directional Speed". I talked about the common myths in speed development and how we need to be better listeners, and observers of our athletes. They will tell us a lot how we should move.

I spent some time on how the body innately figures out how to move it's feet and legs to gain an advantage for quickness of movement. As usual, when I looked out into the audience, I could see some confusion and disbelief. I continued on to explain to them why and how natuaral movement occurs. But I couldn't wait to get them in the hand on session so they could really feel what I was talking about.

Hands On

In the hands on session, I showed them how the body re-organizes itself to be more efficient out of a non-effecient stance for acceleration in any direction. 100% of the participants all did the plyo step, hip turn, and directional step which are the cornerstone of athletic acceleration from a non-linear starting stance (like a track athlete). Needless to say, they were all believers and couldn't believe they had been teaching their athletes not to do the plyo step- which they called the false step. Like I have always said, they didn't question why they were taught to do it the other way. I always questions things for the sake of getting compete clarity.

I can't wait to share this type of information as well as so much more with all of you. So you don't miss out on one drop of information you need to go to to find out how you can be apart of the Speed Insiders Movement. is going to launch Feb. 29ths... don't wait! Get in line to gain access to incredible information.

Yours in speed,


PS. Don't wait, go to now!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Awesome Event!!!


I don't have a lot of time today, but I want to let you know about the Pro-Style Combine Clinic I hosted at my speed academy in New York. It was awesome. We had a full house of athletes from over 10 different schools and ranging from 12 years old to college.

The kids busted thier tails through 6 tests and after the testing was over I followed it up with a clinic on how they could have moved better during the test. Not only did I talk about how to move better for testing purposes, but I also carried it over to sport specific movement. The response was oustanding.

We had chairs lined up along the turf with parents and coaches watching and taking notes. I can't wait to do it agin. You will be hearing more about this clinic soon.


I will be flying home tomorrow to be back with the family. I can't wait. I love going to my clinics but it is difficult being away from Jae, Bailee, Brennen and Jenn.

This weekend I am going to Indianpolis to speak at the NFL Combine Clinic. I plan on taking my family with me for this event. I know my daughter Jae (she is really into the sports scene) can't wait to go to the dome and see the clinic, as well as some of the athletes. It should be a good time.
Speed Insiders

It is getting so close to the launch of the Speed Insiders Program. I am really encouraging you to go to and see what all the hype is about. I am getting ready to do a real short sneak peak video for you. Be sure to check it out at

Yours in Speed,


Monday, February 18, 2008

Pro-Style Combine/Clinic

Getting Ready

I am sending out this blog only a few hours before I have to get on my plane and fly to New York and the Lee Taft Speed Academy to host a unique clinic. This clinic is called the Pro-Stlyle Combine/Clinic and it is on Tuesday the 19th. It is going to be a great clinic for the area athletes and especially our LTSA Members.

I can't wait to arrive at the academy tonight to get things organized and ready to go for the clinic. My staff has pretty much taken care of everything organizational (Kyle and Jon are tremendous). I just want to sure things up and map our the turf so we know exactly where all the test will take place.

The unique thing about the Pro-Style Combine/Clinic is that we will take the athletes through a complete warm up system to prepare them for the combine portion. We will then conduct a clinic to work on the skills needed to improve their athletic ability as it relates to the tests and overall sport movement. The athletes will walk away with a ton of knowledge. I have invited all the area coaches to come in and watch.

The toughest part of this trip is that I will away from my family and the first time away from my new son, Brennen. I guess he and I will have to get use to it- I travel a lot.

Speed Insiders

The highly anticipated release of the Speed Insiders Program is less than 2 weeks away. If you want to learn more about how I organize, market and implement the actual techniques involved in such an event as the LTSA Pro-Style Combine/Clinic you will want to check out

As I have said and will continue to say, I can't wait to be able to share such valuable information. Coaches, trainers, athletes and parents will benefit greatly from the Speed Insiders Program. My goal is to make athletic development information, speed camp organization, and so much more easily understood and easy for you to implement with your athletes and programs. You will have to go to to learn more.

Yours in Speed,

Lee Taft

Saturday, February 16, 2008

For The Wrong Reason

Family Update

The family is doing well. Bailee has a little sickness bug that is going around her school. I am hoping she will feel better tomorrow. She had to miss her basketball game today. Jae had a basketball game today. She said they played pretty well. I couldn't make it because I was a guest presenter on aSpeed Clinic Webinar. I felt real bad about missing Jae's game, but she was excited to give me the full update when she got home. Brennen and Jenn are doing just great. He is getting more alert each day- fun to watch.

For The Wrong Reason

As many of you know I have the Lee Taft Speed Academy in Northern New York. My staff and I work real hard at bringing the community a program they can be proud of. It has always been my mission to serve the youth population and be a resource for the area coaches and parents. This will continue to be our driving force as we move into the years to come.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case with all facilities and it disapoints me. Many facilities begin a athletic development program for the wrong reason. There is a facility located near my speed academy that has recently opened up an athletic development program and are doing it just to capitalize on making money off kids. I have no issues with programs opening up and attempting to help the community, especially the youth members. However, when all their advertising is geared at low balling what my facility is doing it sends the message that they are not serious about working with kids and they have alternative methods. I am all for competitive marketing, but not when kids are wrongfully sought out.

In their marketing, they try to play off what our system is and make it play in their favor. The problem I have is that I have established systems for many years and continually improve them. They are based off my hard work and experience. If they were to build their own philosophy and develop a sound system for the community I could welcome them. However, because they have more of a sabotaging approach then a true desire to help the kids I can't respect or support their mission. I have always said there is enough room for all of us to be successful in our fields, but if the mission is intended to be of malice then there is no room for them in the youth industry.

I have spent a lifetime working with kids and have seen so many positve facilities and programs develop over the years to help kids develop. I have also seen many around the country with the wrong intent. I certainly wouldn't give up on these facilities, but I just think they need to re-organize their mission and efforts to help kids rather than try to make a quick buck or sabotage other successful facilities. Let's keep the mission of kids always out in front!

Only 2 Weeks

How many athletes, coaches, parents, and trainers do you know that are just frustrated with all the mixed information in the athletic development industry. The thing is it isn't that the most of the information is incorrect, it is just that is confuses people because they don't know what one to use or really how to implement it.

In 2 weeks I am launching my Speed Insiders Program. It is based on proven systems, unchanged laws of movement and principles of biomechanics. The systems I use for training speed, strength, flexibility and all the aspects of strength and conditioning and general fitness are extremely successful and easy to use. Even if you only used the principles and laws I follow and used your own systems, then you will be successful.

Too often coaches, trainers, and athletes try to change the beauty and effeciency of the bodies natural neurological reactions to sporting and athletic stimulus. This is the wrong approach and not one of them can actually give you a good reason why they do change it other than that was how I was taught to do it.

You need to allow me to clear up the confusion for you with the Speed Insiders program. I know you receive marketing "stuff" and people in your face with new programs all the time. People are always selling you something. I am offering you an opportunity to make a difference based off my success. It will always be your choice, but I want to help you make the best choice for your athletes and clients.

Go to to start making a change.

Yours in Speed,


Thursday, February 14, 2008

You've Gotta See This!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you are having a special V-day. If not, better luck next year:) Just kidding! Hey, if you are anything like my family- we are on the go so much. My girls have events today they are involved in after school, plus Jenn and I are working our tails off getting ready for the big launch of, and with little Brennen (two and 1/2 weeks old), we are happy having a nice family dinner tonight and appreciating our family.

I can remember when Jenn and I were first dating. We use to go out to dinner and dancing. We just had a great time (I use to pull the Ickey shuffle on her on the dance floor- what women in her right mind wouldn't fall for that move:). On Valentine's Day we would have a special dinner, maybe a movie, and just appreciate our time together. Then we had kids- That was when our dinners turned into strapping on the feedbad and quickly entertaining the kids while they spit their food on the floor and smeared it on thier face. Hey, but when you in love- nothing else really matter. That's my story and I am sticking to it!

Speed Insiders Coming Soon!

As many of you know- the launch of the highly anticipated is only a couple weeks away. To date, this is the most excited I have been in my business life because I know how much this program will impact others. I just can't wait!

You know what really amazed me? Over the past several months I went back into my old workout binders that I keep (I have almost all my workout training sessions I conducted with atheltes from way back in the early 90's). I think it is important to keep your old stuff for many reason, but what I was so amazed at how little my philosophy has changed from what I was teaching back then. That told me that what I teach really works and impacts athletes. There were some basic changes I made over the years, mainly dealing with the type of exercise I use now as compared to then, but for the most part it is still intact today. I have a nailed it down to a few reason why I haven't changed much:

1. I am a believer in the principles and laws of movement. They don't change. I adopted them in my infancy as a coach and why would I change what works.
2. I have always believed that the body will show me what works best- all I have to do is "Look, Listen, and Learn" and I will be on the money most of the time.
3. I don't allow equipment or programs to dictate my training. If I had I would have changed every time new equipment came out or a new method of designing a program was developed. I stick to the basics and use simple programs to get big results. BACK IN 1992 I DID A CLINIC FOR REEBOK AT THE DORAL RESORT FOR THE EASTER BOWL TENNIS TOURNAMENT. ON ONE OF THE BREAKS A GENTLEMAN SAW ME AND SAID "HEY, AREN'T YOU THE CONE MAN". I SAID, "YES, THAT'S ME". CONES HAVE BEEN MY MOST VALUABLE AND MOST OFTEN USED EQUIPMENT. YOU CAN'T GET ANY MORE BASIC THAN THAT.

What I am about to share with you in a couple weeks is tried and tested and proven successful. Why would I change from that. I take what I do seriously and I want you to do the same.

Go to to find out what all the hype is about.

I will be sharing some more great info in just a while.

Yours in speed,


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't Re-invent the Wheel

Family Update

The family is doing great! Brennen had his first check up today. I was going to ask the doctor if he thought Brennen was physically and mentally prepared to move up to varsity this year, but then Jenn told me that wasn't what his oppontment was about. OK , OK, we can wait until the end of them month. It's not like he has to be ready this week to play:)


My oldest daughter, Jae, and I had basketball practice last night at the church. This week I worked on teaching the girls (3rd graders- 5th graders) how to get open to receive a pass. We did the "V" cut. The first thing I did was ask the girls what a V looked like by walking it out on the floor. Once they understood that I then asked them how they could use it to get open. Some understood and others didn't- no problem. I used one of the girls as a defender on me and I told them where I wanted to catch the ball, but because the defender was so tight on me I had to get her off me first. I simply walked my defender down toward the lane and quickly popped out a little closer to the ball (making V cut). I had them practice this without a defender first and them added a defender. They pick it up like lint on a new black sweater.

The cool thing was that after a few reps of each girl trying this drill, they started to instinctively use a backdoor cut when the defense was overplaying the pass. Now remember, these are 3rd-5th graders. Some of them have never played before. When they went back door, I had them make a pass and they would score. After a couple girls did this back door cut, I stopped them and asked the team, "why did she go back door and not do another V cut". One of the girls said, "because it was open"- sheesh! Of course. They just used their natural instinct and went to a spot that was open. Now if I had tried to force them to get open on the V cut when the defender was taking them away I would have cuased frustration in them and more importantly I would have taken away their creativity to make a play.

I have always preached to coaches to allow their athletes to show them what they can and can not do. This way it gives you more of a direct approach to teach them what they need.

Don't Re-Invent the Wheel

It is amazing how much faster you can get where you want to go by following a proven path then trying to create you own path. Now I am not saying you shouldn't always be on the look out for ways to keep improving a skill, sport, or business, but if there is something that you want and it has already been done- heck, go find it and follow their steps to success.

When I established my business format (how I run my hour training session) back in 1993 it was spawned from the idea of another strength coach that I went into business with for a short time. All I did was change it slightly to meet my needs and how I wanted to best meet the demands of the athletes. This is an easy example but there are many other examples in our day to day life that we should follow this rule.

How many of you would like to make more income so you can do more with your family, business, give more to charity or schools... Now you might want to make more money, but you probobly don't want to work a ton more hours becuase it will just be too demanding and stressful on your life. So, why not go find a person that has done an home based business or an online business that works very little but has a nice extra income coming in each month. Go find them and ask them what they did. There are plenty of books, articles, cd's and other ways to learn how others did it. Take what they have done and make it work for you. Don't re-invent the wheel.

Coming The End of This Month!!!

By now you have probobly recieved an email or two on the Speed Insiders program coming the end of the month. This has been one of the most exciting projects that I have ever undertaken because it will impact so many people in the fitness and athletic development field.

What spawned this idea was becasue for so many years I have received great questions from coaches, trainers, and parents from around the globe wanting answers to clear up their confusion. I did my absolute best to help but it is so difficult to impact as deep I would like through an email. So the idea of the Speed Insiders came to the surface.

I truly want to help those who are confused and need guidance, and those who just want new and different ideas on how to train, start a speed clinic business, develop a training facility, and so much more.

I will never say my stuff is the best and it isn't meant to be. But what it is meant to be is solid proven result oriented information and systems that set athletes, coaches, trainers, and parents up for success.

This is something I want you to be apart of because it will help you. plain and simple!

go to to learn more and start your process of getting answers.

Yours in Speed,


Friday, February 8, 2008

Do You See What You Think You See?

Family Update

We are all settling into a schedule with Brennen. Obviously sleep isn't what is once was- but that's ok.

Brennen actually sleeps pretty good. He has had a couple nights where he slept 4-5 hours. Jenn and I took him with us to our business meeting yesterday with our business coach and he slept almost the entire meeting (9:30am to 2pm). I mean Brennen slept all this time, not my business coach :).

Jae and Bailee are still fighting over who gets to hold him first and for how long. I guess that is a good thing to be fighting over compared some of the other things.

Big News Coming in Less than a Month

I told you back at the end of 2007 that I some big news coming soon. Well ,it is really rolling now. Be looking for our big news at the end of the month. I can hardly wait to announce it to the world. Sorry, can't tell much now, but lot's more to come real soon...

Do You See What You Think You See ?

Training athletes is no different than anything else- the more expereince you gain the better you are at understanding it. I have been working with athletes for many years and have developed a keen sense to be able to really see what is occuring in movement, especially Multi-directional speed.

I have said many times that you have to be the type of coach that quesitons what you are taught. By doing so it allows you time to prove that it is either correct or incorrect. That is how I established my knowledge in speed development. I looked at things differently than everyone else. It had to make complete sense to me or I look deeper into it.

I recently viewed a speed dvd and listen to the coach talking about what will be occuring in the athletes leg cycle during a particular exercise. I knew what was going to happen, but I was curious to see how the coach would cover himself. The exercise was a stationary cycling drill. The coach talked about how the leg will follow in the same path as it would if the athletes was running. When the athlete began the exercise the leg obviously took a different path.

It is not that the exercise is wrong or bad, it is just that how the exercise is going to performed compared to what the coach is teaching are different. This can cause a problem when a coach keeps yelling at an athlete for not doing it the way he demands, when in actuality the athletes can't do it that way.

It is so important to understand what you are really seeing. Here are a few important things to consider when teaching speed:

1. Stationary drills should be used for posture, joint range of motions, and spedicifc and general strength. They are not true speed drills. They only indirectly support speed.

2. Form Running drills should be used for posture, tempo, relaxation, specific, and general strength, and neuromuscular training. They are also not true speed drills becasue they trace a different pattern than real running of multi-directional speed.

3. Perform Acceleration and Sprinting to improve the real actual techniuqe of these two.

I often see coaches use the stationary running arm drills. This is good and important. But you can't say that this is how the arms should move when accelerating or in top end speed. Becuase when the intensity of actual running take over the biomechanics change and the force production angles change.

I am not saying don't use them. Just say the appropriate things when using them. In the case of the stationary arm running drills you want to say " we are going to be working on how to relax the shoulders and properly swing the arms from the shoulders" If you have the athlete stay in the 90 degree bent elbow position during the drill, you need to expect that it will most likely change during actual acceleration.

I guess my point is that we need to know what is actually occuring before we teach something to our athletes or to other coaches. We have way too many skills and techniques that are so far outdated and should have never been used- it is just that no one questioned them and made a better decision.

OK, Gotta run. I have a lot more projects to tackle today. Have a great weekend!

Yours in Speed,


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Program Design For Speed Training

Family Update:

We are one day shy of having Brennen for one week. Boy it seems nice to have a little baby around the house. I have to admit- I wasn't sure how we would handle having another baby and all the work that goes into taking care of him, the sleepless night and the crying. But I can say 100% that it is so enjoyable to have a little baby again. I actaully feel more relaxed now than I did before we had him. I can even say I don't mind being up at 2 in the morning with him. We get to catch up on sports together, and talk about business. The other day he actually gave me some great advice that might have saved us a lot of money. I asked him what he thought of a particular business idea- he looked up at me from my arms, looked me straight in the eys, made a scrunched up face and filled his diaper. He told me exactly what he thought of my idea- thanks Brennen for being so honest!

The girls are off to the Hanna Montana concert at the movies today. What an exciting day for them. Then they back home to watch the super bowl- wow.

Jenn and I are knocking out some business stuff that needs to be done today so we can have a great start to the week. We do not like to fall behind because it adds stress that we don't need.

Designing a Multi-Directional Speed Workout

It has often been said that a less than average exercise technique on an exercise but a well done program design is much better than a well done exercise and and a less than average program design. I tend to agree with this as long as the technique isn't so bad that the athlete gets injured.

I think too many beginning coaches are paralyzed by all the inforamtion on different program design strategies to the point of not doing anything. There is no need for this. You can look at several different training philosophies and programs and find that they all produce great results if done well. So it isn't always the program- it is how well it is being done.

Another issue I have is with the speed training industry. We tend to base too much of our training off what the track and field industry does. It is great for track and field, but what about the coach that coaches a sport like volleyball or softball. They don't need to follow the same program principles as a track coach might.

Here is my philosophy in a nut shell. Teach the techniques of speed each and everyday. Change up the exercise day to day by following these guidelines:

1. Train Propulsion speed in any direction on one day. So only do acceleration techniques (lateral, anglular, vertical, retreating, linear...) and don't be concerned with change of direction on that day during speed training.

2. Train change of direction and through deceleration on a seperate day. Work on the techniques needed to be efficient when changing directions.

3. Don't do back to back days change of direction intense work. The joints need a break from the intense pounding. Plus the nature of the sport will usually require change of direction.

4. Teach multi-directional speed in chunks. Don't feel like you need 10-15 minutes or more of time. Teach one aspect of speed in a 3-5 minute time block and do it well and intense. The athlete will gain so much more from this than doing long time frames.

5. Treat the speed skill just like any other sport skill. Be sure the athletes understand the importance of it before they do it. For example' foul shooting is so important in basketball so the players must concentrate on it with great focus. The same should occur if doing a lateral shuffle to cut the ball handler off.

6. Give the athlete an example of how the speed skill will improve their game. "If you are able to open your hips and retreat quicker you will be able to make more defensive plays"

7. Don't use this time for conditioning. Athletes need to know that speed training is a skill and it needs full effort and great technique. Conditioning will destroy technique in many cases and lessen the intensity of effort.

So as you can see from this philosophy you can train and teach speed skills, make a huge impact on the athletes, and still have more than enough time to fit it into a practice.

treat speed as more of a skill and use the wt room to get them stronger so they can produce more force. This will improve speed in an of itself.

Gotta Go

I am off to Staples to make copies of information that will be sent to my Lee Taft Speed Academy (LTSA) members. I have some great stuff for them this month.

Enjoy the Super Bowl!

Yours in Speed,
