Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Executing For Success

Hello on this Sunny Tuesday morning. At least it sunny here in Indiana.

Family Update:

Today is a pretty busy day for the Taft's. Jenn and I have our usual workloads with Sports Speed, Etc., Speed Insiders, and Basketball Speed Insiders. Plus, Jenn has a business tele-seminar at mid-day. Bailee is going to a pottery class with her aunt, Jae and I have intramural basketball practice, Oh yeah, we are going to find time to eat and sleep during the day. Actually, it is not a bad day- pretty typical. Our family has a lifestyle that allows for busy days and the freedom to take time off when we want because we own our businesses. To be honest with you, I like being busy and productive. Sitting around and working on someone else's schedule has never worked well for us.

Executing For Success

Last night I watched the Georgetown Hoyas dismantle the UConn Huskies in a college basketball game. Georgetown played exactly how the saying goes "Be quick, but don't hurry." The Hoyas make backdoor cuts with great quickness. They push the ball up the floor with speed and they defend with aggressiveness, but they never hurry.

The reason I am even mentioning this is because as I am watching the Georgetown team play with such an opportunistic approach to the game, it tigger a parallel to business. The way they play is how I would love to run my business. Have a lot going on, many of moving parts, being quick with getting things done and taking action, but never hurrying or getting out of control.

It is a great principle to live by, but you really have to work at it. How do you accomplish things quickly but have enough control to not hurry into something that might be a mistake. Because, I have always preached don't worry about making mistakes when you are trying to make something good happen- you can always clean it up as you go. At times, you have to be careful not to make a foolish mistake simply because you reacted too quickly- hmm, it really is fun to play this type of game.

This is why I do the things I do in my preparation and productivity techniques like; mind mapping and a "To-Do" List. I am always looking to do things better and when I watched this game last night it made me think even more. How can I keep the speed up in getting things done, yet be patient enough to see the opportunity coming. The answer for me at this point is being as clear as possible with my goals so when an opportunity presents itself I am ready to act quickly. But, if the right opportunity doesn't show its face just be patient.

What I don't want to happen is my patients turn into to sluggish action. I don't want to misinterpret being patient with not getting things done. There is a way to do both and for the most part I am pretty good at it, however I need to get better at it- just like the Georgetown team displayed last night. Know what you want and be ready to pounce when it shows up.

I would love to hear you thoughts....

Yours in Speed,


PS: Hop on over to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and check out the great opportunity.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Weekly Tip Blog- It's Come N Gone

Well, Christmas has past and it was a great one. I say this every year and it still amazes me... There is such huge build up and excitement for this special day and it passes so quickly. The kids are still caught up in the wave of gifts and this keeps the spirit going, but for parents it seems like the end of a championship game where you left it all on the field and are exhausted. The great thing is we get to do it all over again and again- count on it!

This weeks Tip: Strength Training for Success

I am not going to write about all the various strength training programs and models. I am not going to write about how to use percentages and loading to gain maximal results. And, I am not going to talk to write about which system is best. BUT, I am going to write about strength training properly to be strong and safe.

The tip today is about the old Push Pull concept. It can be called many things but basically I will explain about alternating movement patterns. This really is a simple concept but it is often overlooked. What happens is athletes and coaches get caught up in doing their favorite lift and over train it.

Here is what you should try to do:

1. Perform one pattern 2 times per week. You can do a knee bending (squat/step up..) pattern on Monday and Thursday and on Tuesday and Friday perform the hip bending (RDL, Bridging...) patterns. This allows recovery for the primary movers in that pattern without over training. The key is to know you body though. If you are sore and tired you may only do one of each movement per week- depends on volume and intensity as well. The same goes for the other patterns like; vertical pushing and pulling, horizontal pushing and pulling, rotational/frontal/sagittal plane core training

2. Alternate your intensities. Don't always lift heavy with low reps. each workout for a movement pattern should have a different focus. One day follow a low rep high load and the next workout on that pattern perform a low rep low load with high speed of movement, and also use a high rep, low/moderate load. This trains the nervous system to adapt and grow.

3. Lift how you feel. Some days you are going to be able to handle more volume than others. You have to read your body and energy levels and don't feel bad adjusting. Some days you may not lift at all if you feel overly tired and sore. The key is to be smart and not train the body when it is not going to be receptive.

These are only a few tips of many, but if you at least follow these you will be strong and safe. The goal is to have continual growth and keep the joints healthy and balanced. You don't want to overwork any movement pattern causing and unstable joint.

Hope you can put this to use or at least it reminded you of something you already knew.

Have a safe New Year's!

Yours In Speed,


PS: Please pass this blog onto someone you know would benefit from my information. Also, go to http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/ to receive a FREE weekly journal with articles and other information on training and coaching.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Best Wishes For A Prosperous New Year!

Happy Holiday!

It seems like each blog has the same theme over the past couple days...the Holiday Wishes. That is fine. It is a special time of the year and the more well wishes you get for a wonderful Holiday Season the better. Sooooooo- Happy Holidays:)

Use It For A Fresh Start- But Mean It!

The start of the New Year seems to be the perfect time to start new things for your life or business. Really you can do this any time but the New Year seems to be a good time so let's embrace it.

The only problem is if you really want to start something new you should mean it and do it. Don't disappoint yourself by not following through. When you think about it- because we as a population don't like change in general it is easy for us to give up on something that is not familiar, even if it is simply new behaviors. I feel we all need to embrace that feeling of unfamiliar behavior and make it become familiar through sticking with it. Take exercising for example; when a new exercise routine is started it is good for a week or two but then the routine of exercising gets in the way of other stuff like; a television show that you have ALWAYS watched, or an appointment with friends that has been a part of your routine. What ever it is there is always something that is more familiar that gets in the way of the NEW action.

It comes down to why you want to make change and why it means to you if change occurs, but more importantly what will it mean to you if you DON'T make change. If the pain isn't strong enough to make you stick with your New Year's Resolution you won't. So you have to attach something to the new action that is powerful enough to keep you motivated to stick with it and make the new change become a familiar part of your life.

I want to wish you all the luck with your new plans for the New Year!

Yours In Speed,


PS: Putting yourself first and always educating yourself has got to become a priority. If you are not feeding your brain with new things old things will take over. So if you join the Speed Insiders membership at www.SpeedInsiders.com you will get a steady stream of new information creating positive change. So treat yourself to a great New Year with a 2 month FREE subscription to Speed Insiders- www.SpeedInsiders.com

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Take A Little Off The Edges


The count down is on. The New Year is approaching fast and what usually comes with the New Year? New Year's Resolutions! Come On- you know you are trying to figure out what yours will be for 2009. The biggest New Year Resolution usually has something to do with fat loss or changing the things that leads to fast loss (start exercising, eating better, getting more rest and recovery...) So I decided to write this week's tip based on fat loss.

Saturday Weekly Tip: Fast Loss

Purpose: Hmm, FAT LOSS!

The real purpose of this tip: To help you have a strategy

Strategy: Let me tell you a short story before I go into the strategy. In the early 90's, when I worked at few tennis academies and at my own business, I began to notice a transformation with my athletes once I started to ramp up one particular training component. (I will explain in a minute what that was.) I started to see girls and boys were becoming so much more muscular (not big, just lean). It was almost like the fat melted off them much quicker than before.

I can remember doing what we normally did when we needed athletes to lose fat- put them on the bike or treadmill and have them work for 30-60 minutes. It seemed to be a long process with little return.

Not only did I work on their nutrition, but I also began having them do more strength training. The system was this: They started with a good warm up, followed by speed and agility focus with good recovery, strength training, and finished with intervals on bikes or running. In most cases when using a fast loss program I would perform the strength training first followed by intervals, but with athletes I had to make sure they were rested when performing speed and agility skills.

Once the strength training was added the athletes began to drop fat quickly. I am not going to go into all the science behind it regarding energy expenditure due to muscle energy needs and hormonal fat burning factors, but it is amazing. You can look it up on any NEW UP-TO-DATE fat loss program like Alwyn Cosgrove's AFTER BURN Programs or Craig Ballentyne's TURBULENCE TRAINING Programs.

Here is what you are going to do to burn fat quickly: Clean up you diet, stop eating junk foods and soft drinks, and eat natural whole foods put on this earth to be eaten. Next, start strength training for at least 20-30 minutes 3 days per week, and finish each workout with 8-15 minutes of intervals on a bike, treadmill, running or other exercise- preferably something that doesn't pound your joints much. You can do research to find out how to do intervals and strength training.

Your body will turn into a energy consuming furnace and fat is going to be the fuel that stokes the fire. You will melt away the fat. Remember, you have to work at a high enough intensity to make it happen.

As I mentioned before, you can find out more on how to do all these exercises correctly but I don't want you to take this tip lightly. If you follow this tip you will burn fat and be in the best shape of your life.

Yours in Speed,

PS: If you want to get information on how to strength train properly, perform speed and agility correctly, and be the best coach or athlete you can be sign up to be a member of the Speed Insiders at http://www.speedinsiders.com/

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today's blog is a special one. It is my youngest daughter birthday. She turned 9 years old today. As you would expect from a 9 year old, she is so excited. She was looking forward to going to school today and share the day with her friends but luck would have it- we had a day off due to icy roads. Tonight we are having a special family get-together at her grandmother's house.

Last week she had an unofficial birthday party and sleep-over with her friends. They played games, made crafts and all that fun stuff.


Time Goes Fast

It is so amazing to Jenn and I how fast time has gone. To think our little girls are 9 and 11 years old already and Brennen will be 1 year old in just over a month from now. It hardly seems possible.

I think of the time I missed with them when I was a PE teacher, coach, and ran my training business. I would miss them in the morning when they got up, I would hardly see them when I arrived home, and I was always rushed. Then, after we had moved to Indiana, I spent 2 years away while I was running the Speed Academy. It is time I will never get back, but I am making up for it now. I want to be around for all their events in school, sports, and social. I am loving ever second of it and soaking everything in.

This makes my realize how much I want to be in charge of my life. That is why I became my own boss. I can work as long and hard as I want or take as much time off as I want. I make my own schedule and answer to no one- well almost no one (Jenn). I think of many of my friends who are just too afraid to take complete control of their lives and be their own boss. It isn't for everyone, but there are more opportunities than you think. Just remember, when you are in your final years of life- did you really live life or just follow in a straight line and not take a chance to improve your life and be who you really want. You get one shot and one shot only. You are more in control than you think.

In just a blink of an eye, I will be writing this blog next year when my daughter turns 10. What are you going to do in next 12 months? Stay in a straight line or live your life the way you want it?

Yours in Speed,


PS: Take a few minutes tonight and think about the things you really like to do and you are good at. How can you possibly turn it into a part time or full time business? You never know what will happen unless you try. I think the quality of your life will dramatically go up once you start living your life and not the life dictated by others. Even in this challenged economic times there are possibilities all around you- keep looking.

PPS: If you want to advance your career in sports training, you need to become a Speed Insider. This program will allow you to see the possibilities. Not only will you learn skills and techniques as a coach, you also will see hear successful professionals share their thoughts and ideas. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and take a FREE drive for 2 months and get a front row seat to what is coming in 2009.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Big Game Today

Family Update:

As you can imagine it is crazy this time of year. The girls are excited for Santa and Bailee's birthday is in the next few days. Both of my daughters are just as excited about giving gifts to others this year. They are kind of getting this whole "giving thing"- It is nice to see.

Brennen is amazing us with his growth. He all of a sudden started dancing to the music of one of his Christmas toys. He started putting his arms out to the side and swaying back and forth and moving his head like Stevie Wonder. It is so funny to watch.

Jenn and I are pushing through the holiday season trying to keep some normalcy, yet still work on business. It is always a tough time of the year to get things done, but I am a firm believer in working hard when most are not willing to... just my personal philosophy.

Big Game Today

OK. Let's lace'em up. Today is the first game of the 5th and 6th grade intramural team. We have a team traveling to our school today and the girls are so excited. They have been practicing for over a month and are ready to play another team.

My biggest interest is that the girls have fun and learn from the experience. I am sure some will play well and others will struggle. I know all of them will become aware of what they need to improve on. Jae woke up this morning excited about the game. She is ultra competitive anyway. I told her to play hard and enjoy the game.

Over the past 2 weeks we have spent some quality time on skills and development. I had to steer the coaches away from spending so much time on running offenses and put the focus back on development. The difference between my focus and the coaches (they are great guys who care about the girls) is my goal is to develop a program that does well when they move up to the junior high and varsity level. I want them to have applicable skills so the next coaches can build on our foundation. The coaches are concerned about wins and losses and are willing to overlook the development in order to run plays better. But, because I have been put in the position as the director- I win:)

Seriously, I don't want the girls to end this season not knowing how to perform the basic skills of basketball well. This is so important for the development of the girls and the program. It also will help the girls confidence. Just knowing they improved a ton will help them stay involved and want to get better.

It is such a busy time of the year for my family, as well as I am sure your's. I hope you are all enjoying your holiday shopping, parties and preparing for a New Year!

Yours in Speed,


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saturday Weekly Tip: Find The Fun

Good Saturday To You.

What a great day for sports...great games, the Heisman award, and the greatest game ever played. If you are a sports fan it is a good day for you.

Today I wanted to share with you some what I beleive can make or break a youth program; Finding the Fun. What I mean by this is can you, during a practice or training session, find fun and exciting things that engage the athletes? If you can't, then I you are making your job harder then it should be and you are possibly making the training or sports practice less enjoyable for your athletes.

Yesterday, during the 5th and 6th grade intramural practice, we had a busy practice of practicing skills of all kinds. We focused on non-compartmentalized coaching. In other words, the athletes were made to perform many different basketball skills and athletic skills at the same time. Let me give you an example; one drill station the athletes ran after a long passand caught it, never stopping running, went immediately into a dribble, jump stop at the baseline, pivot, dribble back with speed and pass to the next person in line without traveling. Now, this may seem like a basic drill, but because we took the time to emphasis each part of the drill in order for the girls to understand how to control the ball plus their bodies it became a great multi-skill drill. We had many drills that were with the same concept of multi-skill focused through out the practice.

We found time to do something new. We had the girls play 2-on-2 at the six different baskets. This isn't so different, but what we did to give some excitement and competitive fun to the games was each game was playe for 3 minutes and at the end of 3 minutes the winning team stayed on the court and the other team rotated counter clock wise. Each game became competitive and when the 3 minutes were up and the whistle was blown to signal the end of each game...the girls were excited when they won.

The reason I had the girls play 2-on-2 was to have a time when the coaches and I could coach the girls on how to move and get open, how to make correct passes when a teammate popped open quickly, and how to defend both on the ball and one pass away. It was a time where the coaches could coach the girls and the girls could have fun because of the 3 minute time frame.
The objective was to take something we needed to do and find the fun in it.

If you look at the most basic skills and drills you do everyday at your soccer practice, tennis practice, volleyball practice, rugby practice, or any other practice you can make it into something fun and competitive. This keeps the kids emotionally involved, especially at the youth population.

So go out and HAVE FUN!!!

Yours in Speed,


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Year, Same Old Habits...Or Not?

You may already know but, at the end of Ocotober I closed my speed academy in NY. However, I recently started taking on area athletes here in IN. Because I have a busy schedule, I won't have a full schedule of training. I do look forward to taking on serious athletes that want to produce results and build a big training foundation or build on their training foundation.

I recently had 12 year old boy begin my program. We are on day 3 of his journey to being a better and a healthier athlete. It is amazing how much he has picked up in the 2 days of training this far. What I mean is he listens and does what I ask so he makes improvements on his movement quality every workout. I spent the first 2 days educating him on how I want his body position (posture) when moving. We will continue to improve his mobility issues shown by my assessments and we will make him more comfortable in a proper athletic position. It is a lot of fun!

New Year Coming Soon. Are You Going To Make Changes?

When a new year comes around most people will make some kind of New Years Resolutions. The easy part is making them. The difficult part is sticking with them.

I think this year will be different for many people. Why? Because the current state of the economy will make people get out of their comfort zone and act on something new or variations of something old.

Most importantly in making sure you stick with your New Years Resolution is to understand exactly what it means to you.

The biggest problem is arbitrarily assigning something new to your life without actually having a strong emotional attachment if it does occur or if it doesn't occur. The most common change people want to make is exercise. But they really don't attach anything emotional to it. I know for a fact that if most people felt they were going to die young and miss all the fantastic opportunities with their children, spouse, and other family member, then they would take greater and more consistent action. Pain tends to make people act more than pleasure. However, wouldn't it be great if pleasure was the number one motivator.

If you could say I want to have more money, to be healthier, or have a bigger house because it would bring so much freedom and opportunity to my life, shouldn't that be enough? But somehow we don't have the self-discipline to stick it out.

I have made this pretty simple for myself. I don't make a commitment to anything unless it has a real strong emotional attachment for me. And if it does, then I try to outline what it would mean to me to both attain it and to not attain it. This way I can cover the great emotions of having it and the painful emotions of not having it. It must also be very important to me. I would love a new big house, but it isn't so important that it moves me. For example; I want my business to reach a certain level, therefore I can provide more opportunity for myself, my family, and people around me. If I do accomplish this goal, then the house and what ever other extras I would like to have will take care of themselves.

This year make it a point to really study your emotions and find out what would change your life for the better if you achieved your goal and what would change your life for the worse if you didn't. You have to move yourself emotionally and attach strong feelings to it.

Don't let this year be another dissapointment. Do what you set out to accomplish. We have become so use to dissapointing ourselves that it no longer stings. We need to realize their is no one worse to dissapoint then youself.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If you are looking for a quick Holiday gift, then visit http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/.
PPS: Do you need a get a great stocking stuffer, check out http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/agility_balls.shtml.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday Weekly Tip: Fundamentals

Good Saturday Morning

Youth sports has become something it probably shouldn't have, but I don't know how easy it is to turn it back now. They are competing in more and more games, travel teams, and winning records. When there is a free moment we might squeeze in some fundamental skill work.

I am not going to say this is everywhere, because I do talk with and see youth coaches working hard to develop the fundamental skill level of the players. But, more and more of the youth sports experience is about more games, more wins, and less about learning for the future development.

I am all for playing games versus other teams. I don't like tons of games but I do think it makes if fun and exciting for the kids to play other schools. Plus, just the experience of traveling on a bus, having officials, playing in front of a small crowd, and all the things that go along with a game are fun for kids to be apart of.

What needs to be the focus during practices is fundamentals; not plays, not schemes. These things are fine for short time spans. It is important in some sports for kids to learn how to run an offense (especial in a sport like football where you have to have plays) and a defense, but if you are building an offense and defense on poor fundamental skills , then it won't work anyway.

You should spend most of your time working on the skills of the game so they become second hand. Ideally we want young athletes to be able to perform the skills without having to be robotic and think about every move. The skills should be performed with little if any thought process-automated.

When skill development and fundamentals becomes the primary focus of your practices kids will improve quickly and be able to build game play on a strong foundation.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If you coach speed with your athletes, then you want to have the foundation of athletic speed down. Sports Speed Etc, Inc. has a wide variety of products that are geared toward improving multi-directional speed skills and fundamentals of movement. Check them out at http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Strength Training

Quick Updates On Teleseminars

This month I have some big teleseminars planned. I am hosting a Basketball Speed Insiders exclusive teleseminar in just over a week. I will have some experts on the call with me who will be sharing some great information. If you want to take part in this call go to http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/ and sign up for a FREE month and you will be included in the tele-seminar.

Also, for all Speed Insiders there will be information about a Live Tele-Seminar next week as well. This will be a great time to ask any questions about training. I will also be sharing some important information about "Motor Programming". During the call I will be sharing with you a one time Holiday Offer you won't want to miss. This is only for Speed Insiders. If you want to be included in this teleseminar and recieve 2 months FREE trial go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/. Plus you are not going to want to miss new opportunities in 2009.

Finally, In a couple week I will be hosting a special tele-seminar with a close friend of mine on a special topic. It is something I have not done before and am really excited. Stay tuned for details. It is going to be awesome!

Strength Training

If you were to google right now and search for strength training you would find all kinds of information. There is so much information on the various methods and models of strength training that someone could easily get confused. Like I have said before; if you have a solid foundation of what you are attempting to accomplish you can develop a philosophy and build the type of strength training you need into your program.

I primarily work with multi-sport young athletes. I don't deal a lot with body builders or pure powerlifters. I deal with high school and younger athletes wanting to play better sports.

The other business and training philosophy I have adopted years ago is to train athletes in a small group setting. Because of this, I need a strength training program that is easily managed with groups.

Finally, because I have so many inexperienced lifters I need a system of teaching athletes the fundamental movement patterns for all the various patterns of strength development.

Knowing all of this, I can easily put together MY strength training system. Other coaches may have a completely different situation and can use other systems. THE KEY POINT IS TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DEALING WITH REGARDING YOU POPULATION, GROUP SIZE, AND TIME FRAMES AND BUILD YOU PROGRAM FROM THERE.

The other important consideration when designing a strength training program is to use the RISK-REWARD SCALE. I develop all my training according to this. I will not have athletes perform exercises I personally perceive as dangerous. Plus, if the reward is not real high but the risk is- I run the other way.

My job is to help athletes stay healthy so they can play sports. Secondly, I have to improve their performance. As long as I keep these simple principles in mind my strength training program thrives year after year and proves to churn out great results.

Before you start reading all the various strength training models know your needs and what you have in front of you. Take care of that stuff first and then the program will be easy to develop.

Yours in Speed,


PS: I really don't want you to miss the upcoming teleseminars. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/. You will be glad you did.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Are We Being Realistic?

Family Update:

We had a great Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family did as well. It is always a nice day to eat, talk, watch ball games, and nap:).

I spent my Thanksgiving in Indiana this year. Most of the time we spend this holiday in NY with the "Taft" Family, but this year we decided to stay in Indiana and be with the "Vaughn" Family.

I did miss something really special by not traveling to NY. My father, who passed away this summer at the age of 88, had the fields of the Whitehall Recreation Department, known as the "Playground" to most of us, dedicated to him on Friday. It was a special occasion. My mother and father would have been so proud. My brother was responsible for setting up the ceremony, selecting the monument (it is beautiful), and basically organizing the entire event. The community of Whitehall meant a lot to my father and it was nice to see his loyalty and commitment recognized.

Congratulations Dad!

Are We Being Realistic?

As coaches, athletes and parents we want the best for our kids. We want them to go as far as they can in sports and in life, but are we in need of a reality check sometimes? What I mean is, far to often parents see their child as the next full ride scholarship athlete to attend "University". You know what- it isn't a bad thing, if is kept realistic.

If you look at a college basketball program there is usually 12-15 spots available. Each year there are thousands of high school boys and girls graduating. Each wanting to be one of the 12-15. Of course if you look at all the division I, II, III, and Junior Colleges, there are lots of choices but most people are looking at the Big time.

Having a goal is so important. You should set your goals high and reach for the stars. If you fall short you still could land pretty far up. What I want to discuss is how we communicate this message to our kids.

When an child/athlete comes to you and says I want to play for North Carolina Soccer or basketball, or U of Texas football, Or Penn State Volleyball, or UCLA softball, you need to encourage but also be realistic with them that it may not happen and that is ok.

Wanting to play for the best is natural. But, understanding there are so many other levels and programs that are a perfect fit relaying this message to the child/athlete is really important. If your child is good enough and puts the work in maybe he/she can play at the best programs, but making it seem like a failure if he/she doesn't is where the problem lies.

I had a high school football running back play for me in the late 90's. He was dead set on playing for Florida State as a running back. I talked with him one day and told him to play at that level you have to be able to do and have the following things (I listed the size, speed, strength, and abilities of the running backs that play there). I told him anything is possible, but you must be realistic and look at other options as well. What made him realize how difficult it was to play at that level was when the best player running back in the league (he was bigger, faster, and stronger than my back) went on to play D-III football and struggled at playing even at that level. He realized it might be a wise choice to look at other options.

I didn't squish his dreams. I simply made him see how difficult it is to play at the level he wanted. I encouraged him to work as hard as he could and reach for the level he wanted and if he falls short he will be in a great situation regardless of not making Florida State.

My point is...far too often young minds with huge goals are not given a reality check so they can accept the fact they may not go to the level they want and it is OK. As a matter of fact there are better options out there to fit them.

Please don't confuse this message with helping kids set goals so they reach for the best. I think it is our obligation to cushion the fall before it happens. I wanted to be a division I point guard but absolutely loved my 4 years of college ball at the lower level.

Being happy and knowing we worked hard to get where we are is an important message, but don't ever give up on reaching for more. Don't ever let them settle for less when more is reachable.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Knowing what to do with athletic development standpoint is crucial in giving an athlete the chance to reach their potential. The Speed Insiders program is based on giving great information to help coaches and athletes reach their potential. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ for your FREE 2 month trial.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Just Watch And See. This Is Your Saturday Tip

Now that Thanksgiving is in the books I bet there is one exercise you wish you practiced...It's called the "Push Away." The Push Away is performed at the dinner table with both hands. You simply push yourself away from the 2nd, and 3rd helping by extending you arms and when you have cleared your knees from the table stand up and walk away:) Did you eat too much??? Well, you should have practiced the Push Away!

Saturday's Weekly Tip Has To Do With Observing The Lateral Shuffle

As you know it is basketball season and we are going to see a lot a great athletes moving on the court. You will see a higher percentage of pure lateral movement than in most sports. You will see what is called the lateral shuffle. This is how a defender keeps the offensive player in front of them.

I want you to notice the next time you are watching a game on TV or live what the footwork actually looks like. I want you to notice what the lead foot does during the shuffle. I want you to notice how the foot looks when the defender quickly stops or changes direction.

I think the biggest coaching tool a coach has is her or his ability to observe and evaluate. If you watch enough athletes move you will begin to recognize the commonalities of athletic movement.

So when you are observing the basketball players playing defense and moving laterally notice how the lead foot turns out, but also notice how quickly it turns in to decelerate and re accelerate the defender in a new direction. Trust me- it is correct and it is a thing of beauty. Athletes are giving pure athletic abilities to move quickly in all directions. Just because some coach 50 years ago decided it looked wrong doesn't mean it was. You be the judge.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Don't be an innocent bystander- take part in your development as a coach. Get involved with programs that can give you the insider information you need to be a top level coach. Go to www.SpeedInsiders.com and take a 2 month FREE trial in the Speed Insiders Club.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happry ThanksGiving!

I want to wish you the Happiest Thanksgiving Ever- of course I will do the same thing next year:)

To me Thanksgiving and all the holidays are special times for families but especially for children. The reason I feel this way is because each day and each event is molding and shaping their lives. We as adults play such a huge roll in what our children will become simply by what we provide them emotionally, the experiences we give, and our time we share with them.

I want to share with you a story that has never left my mind in over 12 years- since the day it happened.

I was teaching a physical education class in the morning. The class I was teaching was 1st grade. There was one little girl in the class that had a difficult home life. She was one of 5 or 6 kids that were all pretty young. The little girl would come to school in the middle of winter with old torn sneakers, no socks, her hair unclean and messy, and the biggest smile on her face. She would always greet me and any other teacher in the morning when she came into the cafeteria for a free breakfast. Anyway, it was about half way through the class when 2 adults came in to my class and asked to see this little girl. When I asked who they were and what they needed to see her for they responded "we are with social services and we need to take her with us." When the class was over I asked the little girls teacher what that was all about. She told me they were taking her from her parents. The social workers had gone to the little girls home and found no food what so ever in the house except a couple of cans of soda lying around but they found cartons and cartons of cigarettes lying all over the house. The parents found the money for their habits but no money to keep the kids fed.

All I can remember, to this day, is the look on the little girls face when she reached out and grabbed the hand of the women social worker and walked out the door. She was confused but didn't question. I often wished I could have done something to make the little girl feel safe and loved at that moment. She was simply caught in a situation where her parents obviously didn't understand their roles.

Even though this is the day known as Thanksgiving, I can't see any reason we don't make everyday a reason to give thanks for what we have and what we are capable of giving. Each day their are little girls and boys being taken from their homes because they are not being given proper love and care. That little girl without, even knowing it, gave so much to me because of how her situation affected me. The part that touched me the most is how she never stopped behaving correctly. She had all the reasons in the world to become a "difficult" child to deal with. Somehow she always showed up with a smile and a good spirit.

Take a little extra time to give thanks for the people in your life that truly care and love you.

Happy Thanksgiving,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Youth Sports Coaches Are Trying...

Family Update

It has been a fast jump into fall. My daughters went from volleyball right into intramural basketball. It has been good for them because it isn't too much, only 2-3 days per week but it is enough to keep them busy and active. Jae, my oldest, will begin her intramural games in a few weeks. This is fun because kids at her age don't want to just practice, they just want to playand compete with other teams. She has a 14 game schedule that lasts into next February.

Brennen on the other had has been walking up a storm. He is just over 91/2 months and the other night started taking steps. You know how the brain works. Once it figures something out and has a few more reps it becomes pretty good at reproducing the patterns. He actually walked about 15 feet the other day, turned around and walked back as if he forgot something. It is really fun to watch.

Just so you know (because I know you were wondering) Snicker, our dog, is fine but has been staying with the grandparents. With Brennen being so active and all over the place we felt it would be safest to keep the dog out of the way. You probably think we were worried about Brennen being hurt didn't you... actually we were worried for the dog's safety (Hee hee).

Ground Breaking 2

Not too long ago I released the long awaited Ground Breaking 2. The second edition to my Ground Breaking Athletic Movement. Ground Breaking 1 was one of the most popular DVD's of it's kind because it made people re-think how they were coaching sports speed. We as coaches often find ourself in ruts and do what our coaches taught us. Ground Breaking 1 broke through that claim and showed how athletes naturally move and how we as coaches need to be better at observing.

Ground Breaking 2 took it to an entirely new level. There is much more detail and focus on the concepts of why we move the way we do. How to assess and correct mistakes and where the mistakes are coming from. Everything from cutting systems, jumping systems and progression, how to perform Olympic Lifts and teach anyone how to perform them, simple strategies to coach deceleration and acceleration, and some more advanced multi-directional speed techniques were detailed. Ground Breaking 2 was developed to take any coaches or trainer to a new level of awareness when it comes to coaches athletic speed. If you are looking to invest in your success as a coach and the success of you athletes go to http://www.groundbreaking2.com/ and check out all the great reasons you should have this resource in your library.

Youth Sports Coaches Are Trying

I have the great fortune of directing the 5th and 6th grade girls intramural. I am sure many people would say "why is that fortunate". I personally love the grass roots coaching. Building the foundation. It is were I have spent a large portion of my career as a sports performance coach as well. The reason I really enjoy it now is because I am overseeing the volunteer coaches of both teams. The coaches are parents and people from the community. All the coaches have the kids best interest at heart and want to see the kids do their best. But because they lack the pure understanding of coaching at the developmental stage they make many mistakes that wouldn't normally occur with older athletes.

The other day one of the coaches helping out was working with a few of the girls on low post skills. He doesn't have a great basketball background but really cares and likes being around the program. He was teaching the girls how to perform a technique that was not fundamental and frankly poor mechanically. But in his mind, he was trying to teach the girls how to get off a quick shot. Basically, he was teaching the girls a 1/2 hook shot while holding off the defense. After I spoke with him he realized his mistake and we made the correction. I have to tell you. His enthusiasm for wanting to help is the most important attribute he and any youth coach needs to bring to the table.

I personally believe as long as each program has at least one qualified coach that understands coaching at the level they are at and can teach the assistants what is expected and how to coach the kids you have the make up for a good little program.

I have seen youth programs where coaches who have experience coaching but more so at the upper levels comes down and thinks he or she knows it all and brings a poor attitude and lack of enthusiasm, almost as if it is beneath them to coach at this level, and bring the program down.

Coaching at the youth level is about embracing the kids talents and showing them that you care and are willing to help them improve each day. You have to want to have fun with them but keep order so the program has respect.

I am such a fan of youth coaches who volunteer their time but truly understand the fundamental process of youth sports. They understand it is not a do or die situation and that winning, all though fun, is not the highest priority over learning the fundamentals of the game.

If you are a parent that loves to help kids become a youth sports coach and be willing to learn how to coach at the youth level. It is rewarding and important to our youth.

Yours In Speed,


PS: Speed Insiders is a great program for any youth coach interested in learning more about how to coach sports and athletic development to the youth population. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and take a 2 month FREE trial- You'll be glad you did.

PSS: If you are a basketball fan, go to http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/ and join the fastest growing basketball club of it's kind.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

We Keep Active In Order To....

Hello, Your Saturday Tip Blog Waiting For You...

In all works of life there are two kinds of people, well maybe 3. Those who act regardless of the situation. They are positive and continually looking ahead. Then there are those that shut down and panic. They take no action, are negative, and only worry about the past and what just happened. Then there are the middle of the road folks. They don't react too strongly in either direction. They never make big strides toward success but they never really fail because they don't take chances. My tip for you today has to do with the economy and how it is making you react.

During difficult times we all need to be aware of our actions regarding business. Potential customers might be more difficult to find. But they are out there and you need to find them.

When times are tough the natural instinct of businesses is to be more conservative with marketing. When in fact they should be looking for newer and more effective strategies that will attract business. Tough times, just like in sport, calls for the success minded people to come to the forefront. It takes a person who is willing to spend a little more time being creative and willing to find what works. Just because what you used for many years all of a sudden stops doesn't mean something else with a different message can't work.

With the holiday season around the corner most of you will send many Christmas or holiday cards to business customers, family, and friends. But how many of you will send a Thanksgiving Day Card? And will you give the people you are sending them to an opportunity to get a discount on some popular item? How many of you will use catchy themes and slogans that get the recipients attention? Also, How many of you have a multiple step campaign to stay in front of your customer?

Like I said the old methods are not working so well right now. You have to gain the trust of your customers and, most importantly, stay on top of their mind.

So Here are some Key things you should be thinking about this year to keep your clinics, camps, training facility, or any other business you have out in front:

1. Don't just send cards during the expected time of the year. Be different. Why not create your own Holiday Theme.

2. When planning to market to your customers have more than one mailing or message. You should have a multiple step campaign ready to go each time you have a new promotion.

3. Why not create a theme for you new product or programs. People like new and different ideas. Don't be the same as everyone else.

4. This is a big one! What are you doing to let people get into your programs or to become a client? Are you making it difficult for them to at least "get in" or do you have a program that let's people get to know you and have a taste of who you are and what you can do for them? Take a big look at your program and see if you can make it easier for people to join your world?

Obviously there are more things to do but these 4 will get you on your way to being successful during difficult times.

Have a great weekend and talk to you Monday.

Yours In Speed,


PS: The few strategies I mentioned above have take thought and planning. You don't want to just through it out there without having some kind of a plan. If you are interested in hearing learning more tips you want to take a 2 month FREE trial with the http://www.speedinsiders.com/. The Speed Insiders Program will give you valuable training information all month long but will definitely make you think differently about your business.

PSS: For those who are serious about their business and tired of not making improvements there are definite strategies you are missing and many dollars you are leaving on the table. Your business is no different than a sports team. There needs to be a system of getting results by making continual improvement each week. The system you put together needs to be designed to grow you business, not just hang around and barely stay in business. This is why I have created the Platinum Coaching and Mastermind Program. For those tired of not knowing what to do and eager to grow their business. If you would like to learn more about the Platinum Coaching and Mastermind Program send you questions and request for more information to BusinessCoaching@SportsSpeedEtc.com. Let's get you the success you deserve.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

NO!...He didn't just do that..

Family Update:

He's walking! Brennen, my 9 1/2 month old son started walking last night. For about a couple weeks he started taking a couple of steps here and there but then last night he took off like he is a professional walker. It was like he knew he accomplished something big. He wanted to keep walking to us. It is so much fun to see you children develop. Those of you who are parents know what this means now...Move things out of reach, close all the doors to keep him out, and get ready for more bumps and bruises. It will be a fun time for a while.

Thoughts on Concentration at Important Times:

The other night I was watching the replays of the NCAA 24 hour marathon of games. I saw the Arizona game where the player for Arizona (which was ahead at the time) intentionally fouled the opposing teams player and this player was not even at 1/2 court yet. So, the intentional foul rule applies plus the player was fouled throwing up a prayer past the 3 point line- 3 foul shots.

The point isn't just about this particular play it is about the ability of the coach to get the players attention and the players ability to zone in on the coach during key times.

This situation isn't only important in sports or school. It is important in business as well. How do you as a coach, teacher, manager get your players to focus in on you during important times; when you have an important message or when they really need to know the "rules" at that time.

Do you have a strategy for getting the players or people around you to focus in on you during really important messages? Let me give you a couple examples that might help.

1. When I am dealing with young kids or in a training class I am coaching, I will kneel down on one knee, become excited with my voice, maybe clap quickly and say "OK, Here we go". This simply let them know something big is coming. I always look each person directly in the eyes for a second or two. This usually gets them cued on me. I am able to give directions with good focus, but I am not done until I ask "Do You Have Any Questions?" This way I give them a chance to get clarification on anything they didn't understand before doing the task.

2. When coaching and in a huddle/time out situation. I make sure I tell everyone to look at me. I explain the situation (how much time is left, any time outs remaining...) then tell them the exact play I want to run. Follow up with "Do you have any questions?"

I am not going to sit here and tell you this is going to work all the time, because no matter how much time you spend getting them focused there will always be the un-focused ones. However, having a consistent routine of getting your players, students, employees keyed in and focused before giving the information out is important.

Also, During key times or emotionally high situations it is more important to have a calming effect on the individuals you are speaking to rather than being frantic and out of control.

Take a look at your strategies you use in situations where you really want to make an important point. Do you have a plan to get every ones attention or do you just start spouting off?

Athletic Speed Formula and Mastermind Seminar

In my last post you saw the picture of the attendees of the seminar. I must tell you, it was a great group of individuals and they were so helpful to each other.

One of the powerful things of masterminding is you develop personal and business relationships that can last a lifetime. At the opening of the seminar I mentioned to all the attendees to make sure they make some connections with other. I personally directed individuals to other individuals I believed could benefit form each other. We had some very successful people in this mastermind group and using the power of multiple minds is a great way to boost your business.

If you have not made it a point to find a mastermind group I would mark it on your calendar right now and start looking. You will be glad you did.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Do you have questions about what a mastermind program can do for you? Simple send me an email at businesscoach@sportsspeedetc.com. I would love to help you out.

PSS: Don't forget to sign up for your FREE 2 month Speed Insiders trial embership. Now is the time to take a FREE ride for 2 months while my staff and I ramp up some incredible new things for 2009. You will be positioned to grab a front row seat for all the fun. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and sign up now.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Huge Break Throughs! Read How It Happened...

YES! I am back in town for a while. I love traveling and speaking, hosting seminars, and all that... but I am tired and ready to stay home for a while and get back on a regular weekly path.

Let me tell you about this past weekend...It was my last Athletic Speed Formula Seminar so I did something special. I combined the seminar with my mastermind group. The new attendees were allowed to sit in on some powerful masterminding and watch some awesome breakthroughs happen! It was great to see and I can't wait to hear about the actions steps they are all going to take in their businesses and training programs.

One of the big breakthroughs had to do with a mis-understanding of how I coach my athletes and implement my techniques.

If you know me or attended any seminars I have spoken at over the past several years, then you know I love to talk with anyone in the lobby or hall about training. There are times when I enjoy that more than the seminar because there is real ground made by those asking questions... plus I met new folks. With that said...at the end of my seminar I was talking with one of the attendees in the hotel lounge area. He had asked me several questions about many of my speed techniques. Then he asked something that was a huge breakthrough for both of us. He asked, "At what part during your training programs do you start implementing the plyo step, hip turn, directional step and teach it to your athletes?" My answer was- "I Don't." I explained to him there is never a time when I specifically teach those type of skills. I use various multi-directional acceleration and deceleration skills in which those skills would be represented, but I don't have a day where I am going to coach the plyo step or the others. It was a huge breakthrough for both of us.

For me, I realized the confusion he had and how there might be thousands of coaches who have read my information might be under the same thought process- I need to fix that. For him, he was so relieved to find out he didn't actually have to find particular days to teach this stuff.

You see, I coach global (all around) athletic speed. I want to see athletes move in their natural state. I want them to use what they were given by their creator. All of us have natural instinctive movement ability. What I have done over my career is embrace and endorse how the body moves. Along the way I make needed changes so the athletes moves as close as possible to the natural way we were meant to move. The plyo step, hip turn, directional step, lateral gait system, crossover, and everything else is simply a part of the big design. Because I know these movements are all natural and based on the concepts and principles I have outlined over the years I can simply coach situational speed skills and know that I should be seeing the natural patterns (plyo step, hip turn...) occur. But when I don't see them occurring and the athlete is being hampered due to it- then I jump in based off my evaluation of their movement dysfunction and correct it.

Wow! That was really powerful for me to go through. I have always tried to say the speed skills I endorse are so natural and already in place we really have to become better evaluators and make corrections off what we observe in our athletes movements, rather than implementing something that is already innate.

The Seminar As A Whole

One of the coolest experiences for me was to see the attendees have huge breakthroughs on their businesses. Most own training facility and some are laying the foundation to have their own facility, and others are program creators in a facility. In any case, some of the powerful strategies I shared with them make huge impacts- just like it did for me when I attend my mastermind and coaching sessions.

Some of the concepts that were big for success are listed below:

  • How to be more productive each day and get things done by following a mapped out system.

  • How to create fast planning of a new idea and bring it to completion.

  • How to get more clients using many different powerful methods.

  • How to keep clients longer.

  • How to grow speed camp businesses.

  • Ways to create your niche and why.

  • How to develop a day to day training system.

  • Creating business systems that work.

  • So much more...

I am so pumped up because of the breakthroughs. I could see the wheels turning of each attendee as they saw the potential for them.

Yours in Speed,

PS: If you are having struggles in your business and not getting the results you deserve, then you should be searching out a mastermind group to belong to. You need to realize the power of working with others on your business and stop doing it alone. Give me an email at BusinessCoaching@SportsSpeedEtc.com and let's set up an free consultation and let's find out if your ready to go to the next level with your business.

PSS: If you are not a Speed Insiders Member know is the time. You get to test drive it for FREE for 2 months and set the foundation for what is going to be a huge 2009 for members. You deserve to be a part of it. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ to join for 2 months FREE now.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Parents Are The Key...

Family Update

It is a great time of the year. but boy is it busy! My daughters are involved with anything and everything at school and it keeps us all hopping. They are involved with basketball, travel volleyball (which is going to be pretty low-keyed and local..which is important), my oldest daughter is in select choir, my youngest is a Brownie, and my little boy, Brennen, is filling his diapers at record pace (thought you might want to know that last one).

I spent some time setting up a training facility in my home and will begin training athletes as soon as I get back from my final Athletic Speed Formula Seminar this weekend in NY. So, as you can see we are real busy and I like it that way.

Parents are the Key...

Far to often I hear of coaches say they don't allow parents to hang around and watch their kids train. Plus, I know many that do not like to meet with parents and spend some time hearing what they would like for their child to do and learn. I have a much different take on this.

First of all, I can't think of a better way to promote your program and have automatic marketing then to have parents see you work and then tell all their friends (of course you better do a good job). Developing a relationship with the parents is awesome. I love speaking with them and letting them know what I am trying to do with their athletes. They really appreciate it. I know when my daughters join a program I don't want to be shut out. I want to know what is being done- if only by watching.

For the coaches that don't take the time to meet with parents and get to know them and learn a little bit about their situation I personally think it is a big mistake. I met the other night with a father and his two sons. I invited them to meet my family and I, as well as see my facility. I walked them through what the program is about and showed them all the equipment. I spent time explaining a typical workout and answered any questions they had. As the father and I spoke we became more comfortable with each other and begin talking about various topics. It was a great experience for all. To me this is what make training athletes so great- involving the family in the process.

There have been some parents that are completely hands off. They drop'em and pick'em up and that's it. That's fine, but they have the same opportunity to spend time with me as anyone else. REMEMBER THIS....IT IS ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS!

The final point I want to make about the relationship with parents is it is important to go the extra mile and make a call home if you know the kids have a big exam in school or if they were injured, basically keep up on how they are doing even outside your training program.

Athletic development has become so popular now and every Tom, Dick, and Harry are opening a facility. All the equipment in the world doesn't mean a thing if you don't understand working with young athletes and if you don't build relationships with parents. Too often we become over scientific and hard core with the training and miss the obvious; make athletes safer, improve their basic fundamentals, empower them to understand how to train better, and have fun. Results will take care of themselves.

Yours in Speed,


PS: The Speed Insiders Membership is one of my favorite programs I have been involved with because I have direct communication with coaches that want to become better and gain new information. Just yesterday I met with a business partner and we have some incredible plans coming in 2009 to make the Speed Insiders program better then ever by meeting more of your wants and needs. You can give it a test drive for FREE and be ready for the new programs in January. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/

PSS: If you are a basketball fan like I am. then you will want to check out the hottest basketball club around. I am real close to nailing down a huge two day seminar for coaches of all levels. This is only one of many great benefits to the Basketball Speed Insiders Club. Check it out at http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/ for you FREE 30 day trial. Plus, receive my newly released Basketball Speed 2...for FREE!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Plan it out on one...

I want to first off apologize for the erratic blog posts. Two weeks ago I traveled 4 days to Washington DC on a school field trip with my daughter, then last week my wife and I drove to NY, then this past week we were in St. Louis attending a business and marketing seminar, and finally this coming week I host my Athletic Speed Formula Seminar in New York until Sunday- I will be back on track with my normal blog schedule next week.

Personal Tip

Probably one of the greatest assets we can all have is the ability to focus on a job and accomplish it. When you are inundated with multiple distractions you accomplish very little- because your focus is not there.

I am a big fan of having more than one project in the fire at a time, but that doesn't mean work on them all at the same time. When you are working on a task you should have full 100% focus on that task and nothing else. That means checking phones, emails, texts, and what ever else can pop up (unless emergency).

The key to being ultra productive is setting deadlines and how much time you are going to work on one project. In other words, set blocks of time so you can focus and work. The blocks of time are up to you but some research suggests anywhere from 45 minute blocks to 90 minute blocks. After this your brain becomes unfocused and needs a break. When a break is needed- TAKE IT. Don't try to stuff coffee (Yuk!) down your throat, or soda (Yuk!) because you are only masking the fatigue and not fixing it. When it is time for a break you simple need to go for a walk, take a nap, or just go do something different for about 15-20 minutes or so. Then you can get back to work.

I have always liked this model but after hearing a gentleman by the name of Eban Pagan (hope spelling is correct) talk on this it reinforced my belief in it.

Plan it out on one sheet of paper!

As I mentioned, I attended a business and marketing conference this past weekend. The days were long with many sessions. Great stuff....but during the breaks I would routinely spend time on things I needed to get done for my own work. I even worked on a practice schedule for the intramural program at my duaghter's school.

When I need to write a plan down on paper I mind-mapping. I draw a short line in the middle of the paper and label it with the project at hand. For example, the label could be speed training, basketball, or product launch. From their the magic begins for me. I start drawing lines or legs as I like to call them, off from the center label. Each leg represents a part of the project I have to have in place. It is amazing how the ideas start flowing. Next I place a bullet point under the label of the leg and away I go. You would be amazed at the size of the mind-map I wrote on a 15 minute break during the seminar. I also literally outlined an entire business plan of a new business idea I have.

The key is to keep it all on one page in front of me. If I did this same project in line format where you write it on several pages of paper it would not be as clear for me. I would be flipping back and forth trying to remember what I wrote on one leg versus another.

Mind-mapping has been responsible for me getting an entire season practice plans completed in only 15-30 minutes. All my branches of the Sports Speed, Etc business are mind-mapped.

I can take one leg/section and bring it to a new sheet of paper if I want to expand with mind-mapping that individual section.

When you get a chance give it try and you will be amazed on how you will get more ideas on paper and in action faster.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If you want to learn more business and training ideas visit http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and try it out for 2 FREE months. Speed Insiders is a consistently evolving program. Many new BIG programs are being added. Don't miss out. Be a member and take advantage of all Speed Insiders offers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Real Tough Day!

What's Happening?

Let me first start by apologizing for not sending my Thursday and Saturday blogs. My wife and I traveled to New York to close down the Speed Academy. It was a rough 3 days.

First off it was a long drive for Jenn, Brennen, and Me. We drove all day Thursday, loaded a 24 foot truck with any equipment I didn't sell for 2 days, and drove all day Saturday back to Indiana. That was tough enough- but what was really tough on me was closing the academy.

Since the early 90's I have been training athletes in the north east of NY. It has been special to me because I have gotten close with many athletes and families over the time. Some of the adults in my bootcamps I had when they were in high school. But ultimately I had to make the difficult decision to close it down because it is much more important that I am with my family in Indiana all the time.

I want to make sure all the people that have supported me over the years in NY know how much I appreciate their support. It has been a great experience for me.

So not only was the move physically demanding it was emotionally draining. I felt the program was great for the community and offered the young athletes a chance to train properly and gain and advantage in their pursuit of being better athletes and people.

Why Athletic Development Facilities are Good

If done with the right focus in mind an athletic development facility is a place where young athletes can develop physically, mentally, and socially. If the programs just about physical development the ball is being missed. But if the owners of such facilities understand that when you have a young athlete join you actually take on the entire family. I know when my daughters join a program my wife and I are concerned that they are being treated properly and the instructor has my kids best interest in hand. Too many facilities forget about the development of good character and how this plays a role a young persons life. Each day should devoted to helping young people speak well, socialize with others, commit to quality effort, use their own minds and decision making (we should not take away young peoples ability to have a say and make choice. The helps develop creative thinking.), and learn something new as well as reinforce something old.

When athletes are only being focused on athletic performance so many other important qualities of human development are missed. These other qualities are what I enjoyed so much at the speed academy in NY.

Well, I have no doubt the athletes in NY will be fine and develop into good athletes and wonderful people. For me, I will begin training athletes once again in Indiana like I have in the past. I love the opportunity to help young people reach their potential and look forward to the new start-all over again:)

I would love to hear your stories of how you have impacted young peoples lives through coaching. Please send them to www.info@sportsspeedetc.com

Yours in Speed,


PS: Be on the look out to a few changes Speed Insiders. If you are not already a memeber, take a test drive... http://www.speedinsiders.com/.

PSS: If you are a basketball fan you will want to check out http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/. This program has some awesome information and is only getting better.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What Should Come First? Sprinting or....

Rather than asking the question of "The chicken or the egg" I am asking, "sprinting or multi-directional speed?" My question is; Should they be developed together? Read for my answer and why...


When we are speaking of sprinting we are basically referring to straight ahead linear based running. Obviously it is the most natural and easiest adaptation for young kids to perform. walking, jogging, running, skipping are all performed moving straight forward.

Teaching athletes to run, skip, and eventually sprint with good technique is a fundamental building block to the athletic foundation. But, does it necessarily have to come first or more importantly be taught before multi-directional?


Multi-directional speed is the ability to move in any direction with great control, efficiency and eventually power. This includes lateral shuffles, backpedal, crossovers, lateral galloping, etc. These skills are extremely foundational and fundamental to most athletic sports. However, should they take a back seat in the early stages of development to linear based sprint education (all forms of linear skills)?

My Personal Belief

I am a firm believer that both sprinting and multi-directional training can co-exist in the foundational stages of development. As a matter of fact, they each help the other develop faster.

In order for an athletes to sprint well and maintain the stability of the hips, ankles, and core musculature, it is important to have great frontal (lateral) plane stability. This stability allows the body to move more efficiently straight ahead. One of the best ways to develop this lateral or frontal plane stability is to train laterally. Put the body in positions were it must apply force laterally and control force laterally. This strengthens the all important frontal plane stabilizers and prime movers which once again helps control linear running.

Rather than compartmentalizing the development by doing one before the other why not develop these skills together. There are obvious stages where one skill will need to be developed before the other but in essence each will benefit the other. It is also important to understand the more abilities the brain/nervous system has stored in the early stages of development the greater the cross over from one skill to the other. Basically, if an athlete is able to move efficiently laterally they can certainly have the coordination to move linear. You should be trying to build as big a warehouse of skills and abilities as possible.


There is no doubt situations occur where compartmentalizing the skills is best but for the most part I have always developed my athletes through the use of multiple patterns of movement. Why? If I asked the athletes to go out and play in the yard or playground they would move in all directions, levels, speeds, and intensities with no instruction at all. I am simply going to follow their lead and make them better at what they already do.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Attention All Speed Insiders Members...Please pay attention in November. I have planned a special tele-seminar and you won't want to miss it. If you are not a Speed Insider and want to take a Free 2 month test drive it...go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ and join us.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday Weekly Blog Tip: Be Patient!

Washington DC

Good Saturday Afternoon.

Let me give you a quick update on the Washington DC field trip I went on this week with my daughter Jae and her class.

We left Monday night at 7 pm on three big tour buses. And let me just say, they were not comfortable, especially when your trying to sleep through the night!

I won't go into all the detail of the entire trip, but we did TONs OF STUFF! It was great to see all of the memorial, historical sites and how Washington DC is designed. The only issue I had was we visited so many site and didn't have enough time to enjoy any particular one for any lenght of time. For example; we visited to the Pentagon and Capitol Building. We were put into lines, walked through, and walked out. I understand the security issues but it really wasn't much of a sight seeing adventure.

All-in-all, I must admit I really enjoy the trip, mostly because I spent quality time with my daughter. We had a great time together.

Weekly Tip: Be Patient!

In this day of FAST RESULTS, true foundational training often is lost. There are just some things that cannot be rushed. Building a foundation of training for young athletes is one of them.

When you want an athlete to perform at a high level, they must have the foundation of solid biomotor abilities to do so- and not just the biomotor abilities that are most used in a specific sport. Tennis players may not need flexibility training or balance training to the extent of a gymnast, but if flexibility and balance training are ignored and never trained during the early stages of development optimal development will never occur.

Even though it has been shown perfroming specific training can get you results faster, the downside is the lack of general foundational training never allows for optimal development. Not to mention these issues; injury occur more due to over specialized training, burn out happens more, and eventually drop out. Of course this side of sports doesn't always make the paper. Only the success stories of how some 8 year old is the number one ranked player in their sport in the country.

My tip to you is work hard and give great direction with young athletes. Keep them involved but be patient and allow them to develop over time. Rushing does not end well in most cases.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If want to receive consistent information on how to work properly with athletes and information dedicated to this goal...then Speed Insiders is just your resource. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ to sign up for 2 FREE months.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why Is Lee In D.C?

Greeting from Washington D.C.

I am in here with my daughter and about 150 other 5th and 6th graders and their parents. I am tired, but excited to spend the next couple days checking out our nation’s capital. Let me give you a quick overview of how this trip started out.
Monday evening 7 pm we all boarded three charter buses and drove through the night. We arrived in Washington this morning around 7 am. Yes, it was about as fun as you are imagining. I have to admit though; it was nice being spending time with my daughter on the bus. Now that we have arrived, we have a strict schedule of site seeing and events that will lead us into Thursday night were we get back on the bus and drive through the night, arriving home Friday morning around 7 am. As you probably guessed, I have limited internet access. I hope to send out tomorrow’s training journal, but if I don’t be watching out for Saturday’s tip blog for sure.

Even though I am not keen on the traveling schedule, I am really excited for the rest of the trip. I have never been to D.C. and love the opportunity to share this experience with my daughter.
There’s more to come a few days on my D.C adventure….

Speed Insiders Is More Than A Membership

I recently received an email from a man who gave me a rave review on my Speed Insiders program, but felt he didn’t need to stay in the program. In the email he explained he owns some of my products and knows all the information I talk about. I totally respect his view, but he couldn’t be more wrong.

First of all, Speed Insiders is an exclusive club in which only those people who belong receive discounts to seminars (BTW, be on the look out for my ‘09 national tour), free tele-seminars, discounts on products, the opportunity to communicate directly with me by asking concerning questions, and so much more. I have shared many of my techniques, strategies, training methods, etc., but there is still so much more that I have not even touched on in my products, mainly due to the specific or advanced nature of them. However, Speed Insiders receive all information first hand.

You certainly can make up your own mind as to if you should be a member of my exclusive Speed Insiders program and don’t need me to persuade you. However, I do want you to be fully aware of the vastness of the membership and the numersous advantages. As I have said before and I will say it again; you should always practice the principle of “Slight Edge.” I am in several monthly membership programs I could easily quit. But, I can not stand the thought of missing that the ONE idea that changes how I coach my children, my team, run my business, market a new program or anything related to growth and development. I have become more successful in life because of this attitude and I wish more people with choose the same.

There is not a day that goes by in which I don’t think of new ways to improve in all areas of my life. This means how to develop more efficient training programs and techniques to help coaches, trainers, parents, and athletes. I am constantly looking for just one idea. Speed Insiders was spawned off this concept. I strategically design Speed Insiders on a monthly basis and plan out quality information in many forms (CD’s, Hot Sheets, articles, video’s…) in a way you can use immediately. The goal of any successful team, program, business, or venture is the ability to sustain effort and have “stick-to-it-ability. Those who are successful always exhibit these qualities.

If you are a current member I congratulate you for joining a program that is results driven. I know you understand the concept of staying in tune and not giving in. But if you have not joined yet, I truly feel you need to take me up on my FREE 2 month trial and see the immense value you will receive.

Yours in Speed,

P.S. - Sign up now and get your FREE 2 month trial, http://www.speedinsiders.com/.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Blog Tip: Failure Is Good???


I hope you have a great weekend planned ahead of you. For us living in more northern states the Fall season is upon us and cooler weather is creeping in. OK, Let me get on to my Weekly Saturday Tip.

Boy do I know this one well- Failure. I have had my share of success and will continue to but I can honestly say it is because I have never been afraid to fail.

Failure can be good if it is properly managed. If you don't learn from your failures then it is a bad thing. If you fail because you keep doing the same wrong things over and over- failure is bad. But if you fail, like I have, trying to do something good for yourself, team, your program, your family, or what ever the situation may be failure can be a great thing. The key to turning failure into a positive is to learn from why you failed.

Any time you have to make a decision that has a risk of failure you need to ask yourself some questions:

1. What are my chances of success?
2. How bad can the failure hurt my situation (family, team, self, business...)?
3. Have I done all that I can to reduce the chances of failure?
4. If I do not succeed can I come back from the failure and make it right or do I move on?
5. Am I going to be able to handle failure?

There are other questions you can ask yourself but these 5 will give you an idea of what you need to do when entering into a situation that can go either way.

The most important message and tip I can give you is don't EVER not do something worth having because you are afraid to fail. Failures give us our greatest lessons and therefore our greatest success.

I like to say to my business members, athletes, and coaches I mentor: "Start Failing Now- This Way We Can Fix It And Have Success Faster."

Yours in Speed,


PS: Some of the worst failures I have personally had and have seen are when action was not taken. If you want to have a resource that increases your chance to succeed you need to become a Speed Insider private member. Go to www.SpeedInsiders.com so you can get more success.

PSS: Let me share with you a great program that has just been released. It is going to take the basketball world by storm. Check it out at www.BasketballSpeedInsiders.com

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Be Careful How You Manipulate The....

Effective Body Position- and therefor speed

I am going to get to the point. You have to understand the influence external loading has on the body position when training multi-directional speed.

I am preparing to do a Bonus video for my Speed Insiders members to show them the detrimental effects of pure multi-directional speed when external loading is improperly used (If you want to get your hands on this video go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/).

I just recently viewed a clip of a video of a coach doing lateral speed work holding a medicine ball out in front of the body with arms fully extended. The effect on the athletes body position was glaring. The weight of the medicine ball creates a counter-balance situation. The athlete had to straighten up the spine and shoulders in order to hold the m-ball up. This creates a chain reaction that is devastating to lateral speed; here is what I mean...

1. When the shoulders and spine are too erect the hips have to suck under the shoulders.

2. This causes the important mechanical advantage of stretching the posterior and lateral chain to lessen, causing a weaker body.

3. The athlete tend to get pushed too high on the balls of the feet reducing the dorsi-flexion of the ankle therefore reducing stretch reflex of the lower leg.

4. The athlete is no longer in a great position to quickly change directions and accelerate forwards out of the stance.

I could go on and on. If you want to train shoulder strength and endurance in posture do it another way. But don't manipulate the important multi-directional speed mechanics- especially for lateral speed.

Having said that. If you completely understand what the effects are and can re-establish proper lateral posture after doing the above mentioned drill then go ahead. But if you don't understand the effects you need to be careful.

I have said it before and will continue to say it; multi-directional speed is a skill. There are learnable techniques. If you treat it this way you will increase performance immensely.

When you understand the innate abilities the human body brings the "game" and can attach the programmable skills to it, you have one powerful machine.

Action Steps:

Take one day and look at the exercises you use for coaching Multi-directional speed and see if they positively or negatively effect the positions of the body to produce explosive, quick, and controllable speed. This will allow you to make adjustments so you can help your athletes even more.

I am always studying how the body reacts to it's environment so I can make sound decisions regarding training. I hope this information helps you to do the same.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Hey if you are more of a basketball person. Maybe you play it, coach it, or train for it, I want let you in on a fast moving program that might be perfect for you. Plus if you want to get in on the ground floor and get the advantages of being a charter member go to http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/ now.