Monday, March 31, 2008

It is Easy to Fall In the Trap

Family Update

Everyone is doing so well. My girls are on Spring Break this week. They have spent a couple nights at their grandparents and played with their cousin. Brennen is growing so fast. He is really starting to develop a cute personality. He smiles a lot and is starting to laugh a little. It is so fun seeing him develop his voice.

At the end off the week I will be attending a marketing conference. It is the biggest one of the year and I am excited to go- although I don't like that it is the same week as my girls week off. At least we will have half of the vacation to play and spend time together.

Speed Insiders Update

All Speed Insider Members, I have some great videos planned for you this month. There will be more than one video this month so be on the lookout! I have some important coaching and skill information I want to share with you.

Plus, I have a great interview for April's CD of the month. You will really enjoy it. This is going to be a fun month of information.

Last but not least, I have a special surprise for all Speed Insider Members. You will be receiving a FREE DVD valued at $40. It is my "Strength Through Movement Patterns DVD." It is a great foundational DVD that can be used for any level. It will give you some super information on warm ups and how to approach teaching strength training so it is simple and easy to implement with any program. So be on the look out for this Surprise Gift!

If you are not a Speed Insider Member yet and would like to try it FREE for 2 months you need to jump on over to and get signed up now. It's FREE and it gives you so many advantages.

It is Easy to Fall in the Trap...

It seems that every couple of years a new training system or philosophy about training comes out and we tend to overreact and jump on board with it. Well, I did just that for a short stint until I got back to my foundation of how I test things out. The new "Buzz" was no static stretching before exercising or playing in a competition. There is some truth to that but not all of it is correct.

For many years I followed a warm up system that involved Corrective Stretching prior to the workout or competition, but it was immediately followed by activation and dynamic warm up exercises. It just made sense to me and I always followed it. Then all of a sudden all this research came out that stretching before exercising was dangerous and bad for performance. I read much of the research and went against my normal instinct of really questioning it before I jump on board. So, I abandoned static stretching for about a year or so. I then started to realize that many of my athletes, including myself, needed to correct posture and length tension of the muscles before going into more intense movement. I immediately reinstated the corrective stretching back into my programs.

Here is the issue with stretching as I see it; performing only static stretching with no activation or dynamic warm up does very little to support the body for the higher intensity that it is going to go through. Secondly, performing long slow stretching for the entire body overly relaxes the body and doesn't activate the nervous system to be prepared for the higher levels of activity to come. The body needs to be aware and heightened so it can immediately perform at higher levels. Static stretching alone doesn't do this.

What I encourage is that the athletes follow a warm ups system that handles several aspects of muscles , joint, and nervous system preparedness.
  1. First, take care of muscle knotting through foam rolling or stick work. This prepares the muscles by bringing some suppleness to it. It also allows the muscle to be stretch correctly.
  2. The next phase of the warm up is the Corrective Stretching. This is a short time frame that I teach the athletes to use stretches in areas of their body that are overly tight and causing postural issues. I do not spend a long time on each stretch just enough so the athlete feels a regaining of length.
  3. Then the athletes go through activation exercises to turn the muscles on and prepare the nervous system.
  4. This is followed by dynamic mobility and running exercises. This dynamic running is a section that many of the well known strength coaches are starting to abandon because they feel the athletes don't do them well-TEACH THEM. It is our job as coaches to teach what we want done. I think the dynamic running or posture runs is an integral part of the warm up because it prepares the athletes for kinesthetic and proprioceptive awareness while moving at higher speeds and in different directions. Plus the stretch shortening cycle gets tuned in with the actions for the feet coming in contact with the ground on each step or stride.

Now, the warm I have outlined really takes little time and it is seamless from one aspect to the next. I actually have additional warm up phases I use to really cue in my athletes awareness and coordination factors. I will talk more about this at a later date.

As I stated earlier, it is easy to fall into the trap of the new research and new philosophy. I did and I was mad at myself for sometime because I got away from my principle of questioning until it is proven good or bad. Once I went back to that principle I immediately realized there were some flaws in the research and the reasoning behind what the new philosophy was.

Now that I am back on track and using a great warm up system my athletes and me are feeling good and moving great.

Quick Note: Movement prep has become a big term to describe warm up routines that are more geared toward gaining stability, mobility, and activation. It is a great concept and I use it all the time in our warm up system- but I don't like seeing coaches abandon the dynamic posture running and skipping in place of movement prep. I think you need both to do a better job during the warm up.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If you want to learn more about my warm systems and all the other training concepts I use, join Speed Insiders at Receive tons of info each month. Plus, try it out for 2 month FREE!

PPS: To really take your knowledge and your income to a new level sign up now for the Athletic Speed Formula 2008. Go to Take advantage of the early bird special prices. Don't wait!

PPPS: If you join the Speed Insiders now you will receive huge discounts and a FREE training day with me the day before the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar. There are so many advantages to joining the Speed Insiders Membership- try for FREE!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Having the Correct Mind-Set to Make Things Happen

This is a special blog. It is directed to the people who really want improvement in their personal and professional life but just aren't sure what to do.

I receive many emails and contacts from such wonderful people just stuck not knowing what to do. I can relate to each one of them 100% because I have been there and have to continually work at achieving success in my business and life- it isn't easy but it is well worth it.

Deciding To Be Successful

Becoming successful is in reach for all of us. It is a matter of deciding what success means to you and then actively searching out a plan that will allow you to reach your success.

Let me tell you about what I mean in a story format. I have been in the strength and conditioning field for 2 decades. I love it and appreciate everything about it. But just as I evolved in my personal life I have evolved in my professional life (age and experience does this). I now get the most juice out of my professional life when I can help others in the field and give them guidance to reach their success. I still love working with athletes but over time my approach to getting to the young athletes has changed. But in order for me to reach a level in my professional life where I could have the ability and Knowledge to help other professional I had to learn more. I needed to know more about the business side of things and how to get my information out there. What I am about to tell you is what separates those who achieve their success and those who don't.

After struggling on my own, I finally decided to hire a business coach that could help guide me to reach my success. As a matter of fact I hired 2 coaches. They both serve a different purpose in my business life and do a great job. What this allows me to do is get advice and coaching from experts and use their systems that have proven to be successful for them. I have the opportunity to pick their brain. I am motivated by them even when I am feeling down and frustrated. They get me back on track. They see things in me and my business that I couldn't see. Sometimes when you work so close to something you can't see the big picture because you are drowning in your own work. A coach helps you get clear.

My coaches break things down in increments- which I wasn't able to do well for myself. They give me weekly, monthly and 3 month goals. We work on them and evaluate them all the time. This is how my progress as been increased so rapidly in the past year as compared to the past 20 years. It is simply amazing.

Now, You might not be ready for a coach yet (or least you think you are not), but you are ready for mentors. Mentors are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes. I have mentors that don't even know they are my mentor. I have mentors that come in a book shape, DVD format, or live seminar format. I have never met most of my mentors- but they have impacted my life.

What you need to do is get clear as to what you really want to be successful in. Go out and find others that have done it before you and have them mentor you. They can know they are mentoring you or not know it. It doesn't matter- just learn what they know.

Doing What It Takes

I had the pleasure of spending the past couple days with my sister. Tish. She drove nearly 9 hours to spend time with me so I could help her with her fitness and back pain she has been suffering with. She finally had a enough and decided to do what it takes. Tish hates driving and gets sick when in a car. She wanted a plan of action to reach success- it was not longer an option. She took action and did what it takes. This is the type of action that we all need to take when something is that important. NO excuses.

I am driving 5 hours next week and spending 4 1/2 days at a conference that is costing me a bundle (more than I can really afford). But I am after the results and the success if will give me. I am not making any excuses any more. I do what it takes and find the people who can help me get to my goals and successes. In the same month I am flying to Las Vegas for another 4 days to learn more from my one of my coaches and other professionals. I finally had enough of trying to do it my way. I now get coached as much as I can by who ever can help me.

What Are You Willing To Do

Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to give something up to get what you really want? What is that thing that makes you want success so bad (for me it is my family)? are you going to let a long flight or a high priced conference stop you from getting what you really want? When you invest in yourself you always come out on top. It might be scary, but nothing is worse than living an unsatisfied life and always giving up on your goals and dreams.

As you know I am hosting my second Athletic Speed Formula Seminar In May. It is going to be up to 4 days of information that will give you immediate success in your business or job. You will learn things at this Seminar, especially this second one with all the new sessions I have added, that you will not learn anywhere else. Are you willing to do what it takes to attend? I had a women call and ask if I was going to hold my seminar out west because she didn't want to get on a plane and fly- she said it was too far. Is that going to be you?

Last year I spend over $4000 to attend a marketing seminar. I made that money back off one idea I learned in only a couple weeks. I stop making excuses and just do it.

Sometime you need to smaller steps to get more use to taking bigger action. The new Speed Insiders Membership that I launched this year is perfect for you if you need to just get use to investing in yourself and taking bigger actions. The membership is only $39.95 per month and you get 2 FREE months to try it out with no risk. This is the type of action you need to do immediately to break out of your comfort zone. you really have no risk but you are taking action. The Speed Insiders membership is full of great information that you will be receiving and able to download several time per month. It is so worth the 39 bucks that you will be crazy not to begin the action of taking action toward your success.

To finish off this post in my blog, I want to emphasis to you that if you never take action, even if the action failed, you will never reach the results in your life that you want and deserve. it took me nearly 2 decades to realize I needed to take massive action to get massive results. You may need to start out smaller and work your way up. The key is to gain momentum toward continually investing in yourself. You can do it and should set a goal to attend a seminar like my Athletic Speed Formula or becoming a member of my Speed Insiders and see what great momentum you will gain. At least do something toward your success- you will be glad you did!

Yours in Speed,


PS: I am about a week away from completing one of the new sessions I am adding to the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar. It is going to be so much fun- and the first time I have done this session in one of my clinics or seminars.

PSS: I told you before I would not be able to stick to all the benefits I am offering with the Speed Insiders Membership. I am actually getting ready to add more Video Presentations for you each month. Not to mention extra CD's of some great interviews and training information. My wife and business coach think I am giving away too much for the cost but I have too much fun sharing new information with you. Come on and try it for 2 months FREE

PSS: I want to send a quick shout out to all the spring sport coaches and athletes and parents and wish you a ton of success this season. Stay healthy and play hard. Coaches and parents- enjoy the season and remember it is the athletes time to shine

Thursday, March 20, 2008

NCAA and Family

Family Update

Nothing really exciting going on in the Taft family this week. Oh yeah, There actually is. One of my Nephews, Jimmer Fredette, is a freshman at BYU and is playing in the first round of the NCAA tournament tonight. Talk about exciting. He has been a valuable part of the BYU basketball team this season. So make sure you check out the game tonight against Texa A&M. Good Luck Jimmer!

Jimmer is an example of an athlete that set his mind on a goal of being the best basketball player he could be. He worked on his game, but just as important he always made time to train with me and work on his athleticism. There is know doubt he had the basketball to play at the Big Division one level, but he needed to bring his athletic skills up to that level. So from an early age Jimmer worked on his strength, speed, and explosiveness to take his game to a new level. That is what can happen when you set a goal and take action on that goal.

Getting Hit From All Sides

I bet sometimes you feel like you are in a washing Machine getting pummeled from all sides by all the promotions and advertisements. The fitness industry is becoming so marketing savvy that you can't open your email box without getting hit with the newest ad for weight loss or supplement products. Not to mention the newest product claiming to get you in shape in 2 1/2 minutes:) At some point you have to become numb to all the promotions and really get down to your core values so you can figure out what is really important to you.

Just over a month ago I launched a membership site called the Speed Insiders. The purpose of this site is so I could be a continuous resource for the people that are interested in real results in training athletes and coaching techniques. This program is there to cut out all the fluff and give you what you need to know. I have done years of work and will continue to so I can pass this information on to you.

When I originally came up with all the bonuses I was excited to get these to you on a monthly basis- but as time has passed I have realized there is so much more that I want to make sure you have access to. I will be doing more than one monthly video, I want to include some bonus CD's, and other great training programs. I am even going to include some bonus business information for those Speed Insider Members wanting to learn more about speed clinics and sports performance facilities. I knew this would happen. I can't just stick to what I originally promised- I feel the need to give more because I will help you and it makes me feel better knowing You are going to get such great information all month long every month.

Don't forget- You get to try the Speed Insiders out for 2 Full Months for FREE! Go to now to have the opportunity to get real information that will impact your business, coaching, Physical Education, and lifestyle. You will be glad you did.

Recent Question

I recently had a question from a high school Varsity Volleyball player. She has read some of my information on the "Lateral Gait System." She was inquiring about the fact when she shuffles hard with lot of effort and quickness her feet will sometimes touch under her hips. She said her coaches get on her about this. The fact that she does this has no effect on her quickness or speed at all.

This is an example of what I have always talked about. Coaches assume things are being done wrong because they might assume it must be. Maybe they were taught that way or their coach yelled at them for doing it a certain way. But in reality they don't have any true understanding of how the body moves. I would never coach and athlete to purposely hit their feet together under their hips- but the fact that so many talented athletes do this, including me, shows us all that they body naturally does this. It is the result of both the lead and trail legs finishing their cycle. The 2 feet meet under the hips, sometimes tapping each other and other times not touching, as a result the athlete applying great speed and effort to the ground to move the body. The legs naturally have to finish the "Follow Through."

So what I told this player was; what she was doing is natural and as long as it has no negative impact on her movement she should continue on moving as she does. When a coach teaches an athlete to stop the feet from moving through it's full range of motion they in essence slowing them down.

There will be times when the lateral strides are shorter and the feet do not go through a full cycle. This is usually when the player is in tight quarters and the movements are being done quickly in a direction but higher speeds are not needed. A soccer player fighting for the ball, or a football lineman shuffling in a small space to keep a defender from rushing past. The key is to know the circumstance as to why an athlete would let the feet come together.

To read more on the Lateral Gait System go to

Have a great day and we will be talking soon.

yours in Speed,


PS: If want to get live hands on experience for 3 jam packed days you need to go to and sign up for the Athletic Speed Formula. You will have the opportunity work live with Lee and experience his ground breaking techniques and coaching skills programs. It will be the best program you attend all year!

PSS: Don't forget to take advantage of the Speed Insiders Membership for 2 months absolutely FREE! Go to to register now. Plus being an Speed Insiders Member will give you a FREE Training Day with Lee live the day before his Athletic Speed Formula Seminar. You will even get Member discount to attend the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

On-Line Videos are Going Live


I hope you are having a great week. I know it is so nice to finally feel spring coming. We have had two great weather days in a row- WOOHOO!

My girls and I love to go out and play around on days like this. I look forward to shooting hoops with them in the driveway. Although before we can even shoot baskets, I have to purchase a new hoop because last fall a big storm came through and crushed mine- I guess that is part of living in Indiana.

Teleseminar Coming Next Week

I am anxiously waiting for next weeks teleseminar. March 19 at 7pm est, I am hosting a live teleseminar, "The Social Training Effect" - The Secret to Maximizing Youth participation. So many people will look right past this type of information and want more of the big bells and whistles. I am going to tell you this; I have been working with young athletes for 20 plus years and the information I am going to share with you is so important with helping kids become involved and staying involved in your programs. Like I said, I have had a lot of time to find out what works so join me and discover the 7 Keys to maximizing youth participation. Go to and sign up now. It is FREE and filling up fast!

Speed Insiders is a Valuable Resource

The Speed Insiders program is only a few weeks old and has already given out a lot of information that can be put to immediate use. Last night we sent all of our Speed Insider Members the first of many videos. I spent the first video answering speed technique questions that I often receive from coaches. What I like so much about being able to send the Speed Insider Members a video is they can use that information instantly with their own training classes or PE classes.

Why I am so excited about the Speed Insider Membership is that I can really interact as much as possible with my members. The video's will be a way for me to answer their questions by showing them how I teach skills or use concepts. I can also show them some of my unseen training methods that I use at the Lee Taft Speed Academy in New York.

This first video was on how to move the feet to re-direct the body in a new direction from shuffling laterally to moving forward, coming out of a jump stop and moving in any direction, and finally I showed the linear deceleration move when needing to retreat back quickly. The role of the drills is to show the concepts of movement and how the feet do what is needed to move the center of mass in a new direction. I want coaches to train off principles of movement and use concepts that work- not the old information that has no underlying reason for using it other than that was how they were taught! The Speed Insiders is about giving you quality information you can use and your athletes will benefit from.

Go to to get 2 FREE months of membership. Try it out- no risk to you at all.

The Marketing Clinic

I am often asked how I present my marketing clinics with schools or organizations. This is something I came up with many years ago as I was building my speed camps and trying to get interest in my training facility.

The marketing clinic that I developed follows a simple system of allowing me to share great information to the athletes and or coaches. It is a win win for everyone. The key is to do it right so they appreciate what you are giving them. If you make the mistake of going into the clinic with the mind-set that your are going to sell them and tell them what you are about and what you want- you are going to fail and probably shouldn't be doing clinics in the first place.

It is all about creating a solid relationship with the coaches, AD's, youth organizations, and athletes. They need to know you are about them and that your information is to help them.

When I go to a school to present a marketing clinic, the athletes and coaches have a great time and remember me. My system is set up so they know who I am by the time I leave and they are feeling great about what they just learned. They know going in that I am only going to be able to share so much info in an short clinic. If they want more I always give them the opportunity to follow up with me and use my services in any way they need.

I will be sharing much more on how to organize and conduct a Marketing Clinic that can help you and the group you are marketing to.

Yours in Speed,


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lighter Days- Better Attitude

Family Update

Big day for Bailee. She spent all day at her friend's house. She went to church with her in the morning and then played all day. Bailee just loves being with her friends. She is getting old enough to be able to spend an entire day with her friends without getting home sick. it is fun to see her grow up.

Brennen is growing up so fast. He is a month and a half already. I can't believe it! He is still a good sleeper but during the day he likes to be held all the time. It is easy to spoil your kids isn't it?

Jae is doing well. She is really getting into sports and events at school. She loves to be involved with other kids.

Jenn and I are busy as ever, but doing real well. We are trying to stay up with the new projects we have on our plate.

Cold Dark Weather

I must say I am real sick of the winter weather. I waiting for someone to donote their beach home for me for a week or so- any givers??

The one positive is that the days will be longer with more light. I love it when the sun is up past dinner time. It makes me feel better and gets me out of the winter blues. I am definitely effected by the long winters and early darkness and cold weather. I have to work hard on my attitude, something I think is so important to control. I try to think of the good things about the winter time and the cold weather- tough some times. I am a big believer in the power of attitude and how it can make even the worst of situations better. It does take practice and consistent effort.

The one thing I always tell myself is "Warm weather is coming"

Strength Training and Kids- Good or Bad??

This has been a topic of discussion for many years. The answer really boils down to the competence of the coach who is training the kids. If we took any negative coaching out of the picture then strength training for kids is absolutely good. As a matter of fact, it is important that they participate in exercising with proper external loading. The external loading can be thier body weight (gymnsastics, bw exercises...), it can be medicine ball, Swiss ball training, band training, and light free wts. The external loads applied properly and with correct technique will improve bone strength, muscle strength, mobility, and posture. Plus strength training is a great way to build confidence in young kids.

So the answer is Yes. It is good for kids. But if an overzealous coach loads kids with too much weight it will cuase injury. Just be smart and allow kids to learn and have fun with strength training.

Speed Insiders

The Speed Insiders is flying along. I am so pleased with the positive response we are getting from all the members. As a matter of fact our staff was busy today putting all the bonus packets together and will be mailing them out tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the first of many on-line video's that I will be presenting. I can't wait for you to start getting the video's. As I mentioned during the launching phase of the Speed Insiders, you will be receive so much information through video's, cd's, hot sheets, teleseminars, and so many other things.. you won't want to miss a month.

The best part for me is that I will be able to share information with people that really care about their athletes and want to learn more. I am the same way. I love getting more information that gives me even just one idea.

If you are not a Speed Insider yet- you really should be. Receive 2 FREE months just for test it out. It is only 39.95 a month- for all of that information! You are crazy not to at least try it for FREE.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Don't forget, Wednesday the 19th I will be hosting a great Teleseminar at 7 pm EST. Just go to to sign up for "The Social Training Effect- The Secret to Maximizing Youth Participation"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Social Training Effect- Huge!

Holy Icicles!

The ICE AGE HAS COME- but only in parts of Indiana. We were blasted with an ice storm and were 2 days without power. Thank goodness Jenn's Dad has a generated that allowed us to connect some power to our sump pump- otherwise our basement would have flooded.

You should have seen the trees and branches that were knocked down. There were nearly 8,000 people with out power in our county alone. It was actually pretty scary at times because of the falling branches and trees. Whem I let my dog, Snickers, out to do his "bizzness", he of course had to go snooping around a tree that had most of its branches weighted down by icee and almost touching. Nervous a tree branch might fall on him, I yelled to him and no sooner did he get to the door then a branch fell off the tree. It scared him and he jumped in the door- phew, that was a close one.

Well, after 2 days without electricity we are not back in the house and able to shower at home. Thank goodness for the YMCA showers- what a pain. I think the ICE AGE is over now- it was just a quick ICE AGE this time.

Math Bowl

In about 5 minutes we will be going to my oldest daughter's Math Bowl competition. It is being held at another school about 30 minutes from home- should be fun to see. I never thought I would ever get excited about anything related to math- but this should be cool to see.

The Social Training Effect

March 19th I will be presenting a FREE Powerful Teleseminar, "The Social Training Effect" - The Secret to Maximizing Youth Participation.

This might be one of the most important teleseminars I have ever presented. It will be on a topic that most coaches, trainers, teachers, and parents forget about. They all are blinded by what THEY want and forget about the needs of the child. The Social Training Effect will take a look at training and sports from the eyes of the young athlete.

If you want to build your school program, athletic development business, or youth programs, I am going to share with you my 7 KEY STRATEGIES TO MAXIMIZING YOUTH INVOLVEMENT AND RETENTION. If you don't use these 7 key strategies, then you might be losing young athletes that would otherwise benefits tremendously from being in your program.

Having worked with kids since the mid 80's, I have developed a true passion for seeing them achieve more than they ever thought possible. Helping a youngster develop strong self confidence and pride in their efforts is so rewarding. A big part of my success with young athletes has been the use of the 7 key strategies I am going to share with you Wednesday March 19th at 7 pm EST.

As many of you know, I am a big advocate of correct training techniques. I have always been and will always be pushing for proper training techniques. But, I would have to say that the initial success of your program is due to the 7 Key Strategies. If you can't get kids into your program or if you lose them shortly after they are in- your program has failed these kids.

Mark your calendar and go to to sign up.

Date: Wednesday, March 19th
Time: 7pm EST
Phone number: TBA
Topic: The Social Training Effect
Result: Helping to keep kids involved!!
Cost: FREE

Can't wait to have you on the call.

Yours in speed,


Monday, March 3, 2008

Teaching Skills or Encouraging Skills

Family Update

Last night I took my daughter Jae (Bailee wasn't interested) and nephew Cody to a Indiana Pacers game. The Pacers played awesome. They beat the Bucks easily on a great shooting night.

Jae was so excited to reached her arm out over the railing as the players walked by and they slapped her hand- pretty cool to see you child's eyes light up when she has the opportunity to do something like that.

Jae then went over a few row of seats and got Larry Bird's autograph. We sat about 15 feet from him. I watched him patiently sigh autograph after autograph- nice gesture on his part. Oh yeah, Jae had him sign a second one for Bailee.

All in all, it was a fun night. I needed a night like that just to get my head to stop spinning with all the work we have been doing.

Teaching Skills or Encouraging Skills

I am known as a Naturalist speed coach. I take what the body shows me, tighten it up where needed, and then let it go. I then make corrections as the athletes show me they need it. This brings up a point. I would consider my teaching style of many skills as an encouraging style rather than a directing style. Now I direct when I need to make strong points, but for the most part I encourage athletes to let their bodies lead the way. I will make the corrections initially if needed but more I would rather use kinesthetic feedback and have the athlete figure out how to move. This is a more engrained form of learning. The athlete had to feel what was correct rather than me just telling him or her.

When you think of the big skills that I advocate- Plyo step, hip turn, directional step, decelerating patterns, lateral gait system- they all happen quite naturally without any input from a me. So I encourage these skills more than teach them. If I see a faulty pattern due to a correctable mistake or posture I will kick in my coaching skills and guide the athlete to a correction.

Let me give you an example of the above comment; If an athletes continually drives his or her shoulders up too high (rears up) during the plyo step linear acceleration I would make them aware of it first- sometime that will be all that is needed. If they need more I will then work on exercises that break the pattern of rearing up. It might be core strength, but I think it is more of a firing pattern that needs to be re-adjusted.

The more I allow athletes to figure things out and the less I say the better results I have seen for long lasting results. Give it a try.

Speed Insiders

As you know my Speed Insiders membership has been launched and is up and rolling. You can take part in a truly educational, informational membership by signing up now. I am giving you 2 FREE months just to test drive it.

Speed Insiders is a way for me to share information with you through many different medias (cd's, videos, hot sheets, live teleseminars, events, and more...). There will also be opportunity for us to interact and communicate on topics of athletic development, speed clinics, strength training, coaching styles, and so much more.

Looking forward to having you join the Speed Insiders. Go to to join the experience.

Yours in Speed,
