Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are Steroids Really The Problem???

This blog post in not the first time I have GONE OFF on this topic and it probably won't be the last. But it is bugging the crap out of me and I believe it is my responsibility to write about it as often as I can.

Unless you are living under a rock, you are aware of the latest MLB steroid user. A-Rod has come out after being noted as a performance enhancing drug user by his own union. He is one of many high profiled players named in this on going scandal.


The steroid issue is not the problem we should be focusing on in this country regarding what goes in our bodies. It is plane and simple. OUR CONCERN NEEDS TO BE WITH THE JUNK FOODS WE ARE INGESTING. Those are the true killers of our mental and physical health. I ask you to go ahead and google some of the ingredients found in the candy, soda, ice cream and chips eaten daily in this country. Most of the chemicals in the junk foods are toxic at higher levels, yet we feel it is OK to eat them in our foods. Many of the dyes can cause neurological issues among other things.

OK, lets not even go as far as all the toxic chemicals in the junk foods. Lets simply look at the amounts of sugar. This one nutrient alone is taxing our bodies ability to deal with it. Sugar alone is responsible for many of the diseases our kids and adults suffer from today. High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, mental focus issues, rotten teeth, and the list goes on. Now add in the toxic chemicals I mentioned above and you have a recipe for sick and un-focused people.

Come on people. It is right in front of us. You want to know how powerful marketing is? Right now go ahead and look in your cabinets and that will tell you how powerful it is. Food companies convince you that if you buy the color coded cereal and the phosphoric acid laced soda you will be HAPPY. What a bunch of crap! I want to know why these companies are not being held responsible for the declining health of our children and adults (well, I actually know why-$$$).

I want to know how many people were watching the A-rod steroid case on ESPN while drinking a soda and eating junk food? Think about it. We are consumed with what the media makes important rather than looking under our nose (literally) and seeing what is going into our bodies. Come on!

I had to laugh when Kellogg's dropped Michael Phelps for smoking marijuana. It was WRONG what he did and he should be punished. But, Kelloggs is the same company that keeps kids addicted to sugary cereals and causes the decline of health from an early age. Give me a break! When they start coming out with more healthier foods then maybe I will take them seriously.

I may be jumping from one spot to the next with this post but I am really frustrated and tired of all the obvious mistakes we are making with our health choices. We have physical education going down the tubes in many schools because the lack of professionalism by our teachers. We have video games re-directing our kids natural urges to play with sitting on a couch and playing these games. We have food that isn't fit to be eaten in many countries yet being devoured in ours. We have such a high increase in childhood diabetes, obesity, attention issues, cancers, and many other diseases but we keep trying to come up with more drugs to cover up the symptoms. How about treating the problem?

I have been deeply touched by what cancer can do. My mother passed from this horrible disease when she was 77 years old. I have a hard time supporting cancer fundraising when the real issue is to support healthy eating and lifestyle. Cancer is rising because our food choices are getting worse. I KNOW THERE ARE CASES WHERE KIDS GET CANCER DUE TO NO FAULT OF NUTRITION- IT IS JUST AN UNFORTUNATE SITUATION. My heart goes out to these kids and the families. We do need cures for these types of cancer.

Yesterday, I watched kids at a basketball game absolutely gorge themselves with sugar sticks, ice cream and ring pops, then wash it down with a soda. My blood pressure was rising by the second. To be honest with you, I blame the school for having this CRAP available. Parents should tell them "NO", but many parents are not there at the time. If it isn't available, then they can't eat it.

This is another big issue I have. Our schools are failing to properly educate our kids about nutrition simply by having vending machines with soda and junk food available. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SCHOOLS TO SET AN EXAMPLE!

Three years ago I was a member of a wellness committee at the school my kids attend. The high school principle and the former athletic director were also on this committee. I argued with them about getting rid of the junk food and soda vending because it is an opportunity to say "KIDS, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE JUNK FOOD AND SODA DURING OUR WATCH". What the kids and parents decide outside of school is up to them. You know what the athletic director and the principle said, "WE MAKE MONEY OFF THESE MACHINES". That one statement told me where the priorities are and it isn't with the kids.

All I know is I can't change things by myself. It takes a huge effort by a lot of people. Parents, schools, and kids have to be willing to make the change. I have been called crazy for even attempting to fight this battle. But to me, our health is the most important thing we have. If I am crazy for fighting for it then I proudly accept that title.



Its over said...

Over in the UK we have a push going on for better school meals as well, it has made alot of the vending machines being taken from the school corridors, this is a few years ago. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4428152.stm . Alas as the case so oftern is, who pays the most wins.

LT said...

That is great to hear. I think money, as usual, rules our decision making and the kids health takes a back seat. If the government really took this seriously and realized the damaging effects to the human mind and body caused by fast foods, junk foods and drinks,they should consider taking action and banishing all foods of this kind.

Thanks for your response!