Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Much Time? Try This Workout

Because I know how busy you are, you will appreciate the workout below. This workout is great for adults with busy schedules and athletes with limited time in the weight room. All you need is a DB, Swim Trainer (go to http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/swimtrainers.shtml), and a Swiss ball.

I do this workout often when I don't have much time or don't feel like working with my usual routine. Check it out.

1. A complete warm up
-foam rolling
-corrective stretch
-dynamic movements

2. The routine: I perform this routine in a circuit format with 30 seconds between exercises. I do not take a break between circuits.

a. Walking lunge and one arm press- I will walk for 10 steps (5 each leg) while pressing the db overhead on the up phase of the lunge. After 10 steps I switch arms and repeat the 10 lunges while pressing with the opposite arm. Always maintain great posture.

b. One Arm Tubing row- I attach the Swim Trainer http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/swimtrainers.shtml to the squat rack and perform 8 rows on the right and then 8 on the left arm. I will do the first set with a parallel stance, the next set with a staggered stance, and the last set with a parallel stance.

c. Swiss ball push up- You can do regular push ups if you don't have a Swiss ball. I will do the first set with my both feet on a box, the second with one foot off the on the box and the other in the air, and the final set with the other foot in the air.

This workout allows me to train the entire body, especially my core, in a short time period. My primary goal with this type of workout is to get a decent strength workout but more importantly push my endurance. If I want more strength, I would obviously give more rest and keep my reps lower with higher intensity, but because this is a time saving workout to challenge my endurance it is perfect.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Yours in Speed,

PS: If you are looking for some simple great training equipment go to http://www.sportsspeedetc.com/ and check out the store.

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