Sunday, December 30, 2007

Planning ahead for the New Year

Happy New Year!

Sorry about the last week of not posting my blog. Between traveling and celebrating the holidays, and of course working on many new projects I fell behind.

I hope you spent some time over the past few months planning for the New Year. It's not like the new year is really that different from any other day- but it is a new beginning. It is a time frame that you can set goals for. Just like you might set new goals for the spring or summer, the changing of the year is a great time to make your personal, professional, social, spiritual, fitness, and many other goals a priority.

I personal have hired 2 separate business coaches to help me make changes in the different businesses that I run. I finally learned it is better to seek out people who successful in their field and learn from them rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. So when I set my goals to improve in certain areas of my business I included getting help as part of my action steps.

Some of my other goals, like personal, revolve spending more quality time with my Jenn, Jae, Bailee, and the soon arriving baby boy (we still have to call him Wonder Boy because we are all wondering what his name will be- come on Jenn, give him a name already!), And of course snickers my dog. As many of you know I have spent the past year and a half being away from my family for weeks and months at a time. That had to stop. I will be spending much more time with my family this year now that the Speed Academy is running smoothly and the systems are in place.

I have set many other goals in my personal, business, spiritual, and financial life. By setting these goals, giving a real strong "Why", and following an action plan I will achieve most of these goals by my deadlines. Even if I fall short I have accomplished a lot.

So do yourself a favor and start setting goals to achieve so much more out of life.

Professional Sports

Over the years professional sports have been taking some big negative hits. You've got the steroid issue, the extremely high contracts, the rookies that sit out for a bigger contract, the referee in basketball cheating, and on and on. I can understand when fans get upset, but I think there is another way to look at things.

I hear people saying I am not going to watch that sport any more because they are cheating, or getting paid too much or blah blah blah. I watch sports because I love the sport, watching the athletes perform, stratigies being played out, and exciting games. The fact that I don't like the high salaries (unless I was getting one of course), the drug use, the cheating and gambling doesn't change the fact that I like the entertainment. I love sports and want to watch it for that reason.

I think sometimes certain fans get too involved in things they shouldn't. I will never have control over who gets paid and how much, or if they a player decides to cheat. I want to see the game and great athletes. Now, if you are somehow financailly involved with a professional team than I can understand more. Any way, that is just my opinion on pro sports- love em for what they are- a business with good athletes.

My Personal Workouts

I hit a week or two where my workouts have been sporatic due to traveling and the holidays, but I am getting back in the groove of things lately.

I like to mix my workouts up a lot. Sometimes I will do Olympic Style lifts other times I will do more strength or power lifts, and yet again I will do body weight exercises. Well right now I am back into to doing my favorite body weight exercises. I love all kinds of pull ups, dips, push ups, lunges, steps ups, single leg squats and I love using Swiss balls, blaster straps (like gymnastics rings), DB's and Kettlebell exercises. I can get so creative and challenge my balance and stability yet gain great strength w/ simple exercises. When I do this type of training I feel the strongest in my joints. When I do heavier weights I get strong but I always seem to develop imbalances (aches and pains). I just wanted to share with you a little bit about my workout because I thought it might give you some ideas as well for your own workouts (You are working out arn't you)

Have a Save New Year and I wish you all the prosperity you can handle.

Yours in Speed,


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