Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lighter Days- Better Attitude

Family Update

Big day for Bailee. She spent all day at her friend's house. She went to church with her in the morning and then played all day. Bailee just loves being with her friends. She is getting old enough to be able to spend an entire day with her friends without getting home sick. it is fun to see her grow up.

Brennen is growing up so fast. He is a month and a half already. I can't believe it! He is still a good sleeper but during the day he likes to be held all the time. It is easy to spoil your kids isn't it?

Jae is doing well. She is really getting into sports and events at school. She loves to be involved with other kids.

Jenn and I are busy as ever, but doing real well. We are trying to stay up with the new projects we have on our plate.

Cold Dark Weather

I must say I am real sick of the winter weather. I waiting for someone to donote their beach home for me for a week or so- any givers??

The one positive is that the days will be longer with more light. I love it when the sun is up past dinner time. It makes me feel better and gets me out of the winter blues. I am definitely effected by the long winters and early darkness and cold weather. I have to work hard on my attitude, something I think is so important to control. I try to think of the good things about the winter time and the cold weather- tough some times. I am a big believer in the power of attitude and how it can make even the worst of situations better. It does take practice and consistent effort.

The one thing I always tell myself is "Warm weather is coming"

Strength Training and Kids- Good or Bad??

This has been a topic of discussion for many years. The answer really boils down to the competence of the coach who is training the kids. If we took any negative coaching out of the picture then strength training for kids is absolutely good. As a matter of fact, it is important that they participate in exercising with proper external loading. The external loading can be thier body weight (gymnsastics, bw exercises...), it can be medicine ball, Swiss ball training, band training, and light free wts. The external loads applied properly and with correct technique will improve bone strength, muscle strength, mobility, and posture. Plus strength training is a great way to build confidence in young kids.

So the answer is Yes. It is good for kids. But if an overzealous coach loads kids with too much weight it will cuase injury. Just be smart and allow kids to learn and have fun with strength training.

Speed Insiders

The Speed Insiders is flying along. I am so pleased with the positive response we are getting from all the members. As a matter of fact our staff was busy today putting all the bonus packets together and will be mailing them out tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the first of many on-line video's that I will be presenting. I can't wait for you to start getting the video's. As I mentioned during the launching phase of the Speed Insiders, you will be receive so much information through video's, cd's, hot sheets, teleseminars, and so many other things.. you won't want to miss a month.

The best part for me is that I will be able to share information with people that really care about their athletes and want to learn more. I am the same way. I love getting more information that gives me even just one idea.

If you are not a Speed Insider yet- you really should be. Receive 2 FREE months just for test it out. It is only 39.95 a month- for all of that information! You are crazy not to at least try it for FREE.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Don't forget, Wednesday the 19th I will be hosting a great Teleseminar at 7 pm EST. Just go to to sign up for "The Social Training Effect- The Secret to Maximizing Youth Participation"

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