Thursday, March 27, 2008

Having the Correct Mind-Set to Make Things Happen

This is a special blog. It is directed to the people who really want improvement in their personal and professional life but just aren't sure what to do.

I receive many emails and contacts from such wonderful people just stuck not knowing what to do. I can relate to each one of them 100% because I have been there and have to continually work at achieving success in my business and life- it isn't easy but it is well worth it.

Deciding To Be Successful

Becoming successful is in reach for all of us. It is a matter of deciding what success means to you and then actively searching out a plan that will allow you to reach your success.

Let me tell you about what I mean in a story format. I have been in the strength and conditioning field for 2 decades. I love it and appreciate everything about it. But just as I evolved in my personal life I have evolved in my professional life (age and experience does this). I now get the most juice out of my professional life when I can help others in the field and give them guidance to reach their success. I still love working with athletes but over time my approach to getting to the young athletes has changed. But in order for me to reach a level in my professional life where I could have the ability and Knowledge to help other professional I had to learn more. I needed to know more about the business side of things and how to get my information out there. What I am about to tell you is what separates those who achieve their success and those who don't.

After struggling on my own, I finally decided to hire a business coach that could help guide me to reach my success. As a matter of fact I hired 2 coaches. They both serve a different purpose in my business life and do a great job. What this allows me to do is get advice and coaching from experts and use their systems that have proven to be successful for them. I have the opportunity to pick their brain. I am motivated by them even when I am feeling down and frustrated. They get me back on track. They see things in me and my business that I couldn't see. Sometimes when you work so close to something you can't see the big picture because you are drowning in your own work. A coach helps you get clear.

My coaches break things down in increments- which I wasn't able to do well for myself. They give me weekly, monthly and 3 month goals. We work on them and evaluate them all the time. This is how my progress as been increased so rapidly in the past year as compared to the past 20 years. It is simply amazing.

Now, You might not be ready for a coach yet (or least you think you are not), but you are ready for mentors. Mentors are everywhere and they come in all shapes and sizes. I have mentors that don't even know they are my mentor. I have mentors that come in a book shape, DVD format, or live seminar format. I have never met most of my mentors- but they have impacted my life.

What you need to do is get clear as to what you really want to be successful in. Go out and find others that have done it before you and have them mentor you. They can know they are mentoring you or not know it. It doesn't matter- just learn what they know.

Doing What It Takes

I had the pleasure of spending the past couple days with my sister. Tish. She drove nearly 9 hours to spend time with me so I could help her with her fitness and back pain she has been suffering with. She finally had a enough and decided to do what it takes. Tish hates driving and gets sick when in a car. She wanted a plan of action to reach success- it was not longer an option. She took action and did what it takes. This is the type of action that we all need to take when something is that important. NO excuses.

I am driving 5 hours next week and spending 4 1/2 days at a conference that is costing me a bundle (more than I can really afford). But I am after the results and the success if will give me. I am not making any excuses any more. I do what it takes and find the people who can help me get to my goals and successes. In the same month I am flying to Las Vegas for another 4 days to learn more from my one of my coaches and other professionals. I finally had enough of trying to do it my way. I now get coached as much as I can by who ever can help me.

What Are You Willing To Do

Are you willing to get out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to give something up to get what you really want? What is that thing that makes you want success so bad (for me it is my family)? are you going to let a long flight or a high priced conference stop you from getting what you really want? When you invest in yourself you always come out on top. It might be scary, but nothing is worse than living an unsatisfied life and always giving up on your goals and dreams.

As you know I am hosting my second Athletic Speed Formula Seminar In May. It is going to be up to 4 days of information that will give you immediate success in your business or job. You will learn things at this Seminar, especially this second one with all the new sessions I have added, that you will not learn anywhere else. Are you willing to do what it takes to attend? I had a women call and ask if I was going to hold my seminar out west because she didn't want to get on a plane and fly- she said it was too far. Is that going to be you?

Last year I spend over $4000 to attend a marketing seminar. I made that money back off one idea I learned in only a couple weeks. I stop making excuses and just do it.

Sometime you need to smaller steps to get more use to taking bigger action. The new Speed Insiders Membership that I launched this year is perfect for you if you need to just get use to investing in yourself and taking bigger actions. The membership is only $39.95 per month and you get 2 FREE months to try it out with no risk. This is the type of action you need to do immediately to break out of your comfort zone. you really have no risk but you are taking action. The Speed Insiders membership is full of great information that you will be receiving and able to download several time per month. It is so worth the 39 bucks that you will be crazy not to begin the action of taking action toward your success.

To finish off this post in my blog, I want to emphasis to you that if you never take action, even if the action failed, you will never reach the results in your life that you want and deserve. it took me nearly 2 decades to realize I needed to take massive action to get massive results. You may need to start out smaller and work your way up. The key is to gain momentum toward continually investing in yourself. You can do it and should set a goal to attend a seminar like my Athletic Speed Formula or becoming a member of my Speed Insiders and see what great momentum you will gain. At least do something toward your success- you will be glad you did!

Yours in Speed,


PS: I am about a week away from completing one of the new sessions I am adding to the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar. It is going to be so much fun- and the first time I have done this session in one of my clinics or seminars.

PSS: I told you before I would not be able to stick to all the benefits I am offering with the Speed Insiders Membership. I am actually getting ready to add more Video Presentations for you each month. Not to mention extra CD's of some great interviews and training information. My wife and business coach think I am giving away too much for the cost but I have too much fun sharing new information with you. Come on and try it for 2 months FREE

PSS: I want to send a quick shout out to all the spring sport coaches and athletes and parents and wish you a ton of success this season. Stay healthy and play hard. Coaches and parents- enjoy the season and remember it is the athletes time to shine

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