Sunday, May 4, 2008

Surround Yourself With Like Minded People...

Family Update

Brennen is getting so big. He is three months old now. I was recently out of town for five days and when I came back it seemed like he grew a ton. It is amazing how fast kids grow up. He is starting to giggle when you tickle him and he Coo's all the time-- fun to listen to.

Jae and Bailee are really growing up quickly as well. They are saying and doing things that make me realize they are getting older. Even little things like making their own breakfast or helping out with the business. They helps us with our mailings and a few other tasks. It is really a fun time for us all.

People You Surround Yourself With

If you want to learn a skill or trade. then you should find someone that is good at it and model them. Learn what they have learned, study who they studied, and take lots of notes.

Sometimes it is human nature for us all to want to "be trail blazers." We want to go it alone, we can figure it out on our own. Then at some point in our lives-,usually when we have failed miserably several times, we realize we need help. At that point it is when we really start to grow as a person. We begin to realize we all need help. All the successful people in the world relied on the help of other successful people. We all need to model this behavior.

It is often said; "We should learn from our mistakes." I agree with this, but I agree more with the statement; "We should learn from other peoples mistakes." It is much easier to learn from others who have made mistakes then to make them all on our own.

It is funny how things work in this world. The minute I decided to surround myself with successful people the better I became. When I wanted to be a better coach, I asked questions to all the good coaches I could find. When I wanted to be a better strength and conditioning coach, I sought out all the best strength coaches, read their books and asked them questions. When I needed to improve my business knowledge and skills, I went after the best in the business.

I just spent five days in Las Vegas listening to one of the best marketing minds in the business speaking industry. He learned from many of the top people in their industry (so indirectly I get the knowledge he learned from others by him passing it along to me). I have let it be known many times that I have hired business coaches to help me learn and grow. I have a fantastic coach in Indiana that is always hard a work learning from others so he can pass that knowledge on to me. I also hired a coach from Las Vegas who has done the same thing. I recently spent five days in Nashville learning from the best marketing people in the world. I also listened to Gene Simmons talk on marketing. You see, I don't want to be coached by coaches who think they know it all. I want coaches that continually learn and better themselves. This is how I know they are serious about what they do.

The point I am trying to make is; if I want to be successful and achieve things that are presently out of my reach I have to stretch myself and my belief system to a point that allows me to constantly grow. If I were to do this on my own I would get confused and not know where to turn. I would probably lose motivation and eventually fade away into my old habits. Just by being surrounded by successful people and people who think like I do and strive to always be better pulls me into their way of doing things. I can't tell you how powerful that is. While in Vegas, Randy Couture, the "Natural", was speaking on how he became the champion of the UFC at age 44. His talk was extremely motivational and uplifting. That is why I surround myself with these people.

Energy Suckers

Have you ever been in a job or a situation where the people you hang around with on a daily basis are negative? They complain about everything, they talk poorly about everyone, they don't strive to achieve anything worthwhile, and they do it day after day. Eventually you become just like them. You must break this state. Sometimes it mean finding new friends. This can be difficult for some people, but it is the only way you will ever develop new thoughts. If you want to be positive and successful, then you need to surround yourself with people who are.

Over my lifetime, I have made many decisions which took me out of an environment that was depleting my energy so I could move on to higher successes in my life. When you move on from "energy sucking" friends it doesn't mean you don't like them or you can't speak with them. It just means you are not going to follow their way of thinking and acting. Find the people you want to be like and model them.

My time in Las Vegas has given me so much life in my personal and business affairs. I was surrounded by successful people who have made mistakes and figured out how to fix them. So, I found out what they did right and will begin to model those behaviors. You see folks, it is all about making good decisions. You will make some bad ones along the way- but when there are obvious advantages sitting right in front of you, thenmake the right decision and act on those. All I did was make the right decision to surround myself with like minded people and do what they do.

Spend some time thinking about how you would like all aspects of your life to be, find people who have what you want and model them. It is really simple when you break it down. I will tell you this, you have to be willing to make some decisions that will stretch you and be uncomfortable at times. I have truly gone out on a limb many times just trusting my decisions were correct. What I learned is the most important step was just taking action.

Finally, don't ever be afraid to make mistakes. If you are you will never reach the levels you want because you will hold back. I have made so many mistakes but them I learn and grow from each one. Mistakes are great teachers in life, but like I mentioned earlier, start to learn from other peoples mistakes!

Go make your move!

Yours in Speed,


PS: If you want to start changing your business life by becoming a Speed Insider, then go to and sign up for a two month FREE trial.

PSS: Last chance to take part in one of the best Athletic Development Seminars in the country this year. Go to to join the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar starting May16th.

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