Saturday, September 6, 2008

Don't Unplug

What a great start to the day. It is sunny and around 70 degrees. To start the morning out, Jae and I went for walk. I like to walk in the mornings- it loosens me up. Especially when my back is tight. It gives me a chance to think about the day ahead and what I need to be focusing on in the coming days. Plus, I love fresh air and exercise.

Staying Plugged In

Have you ever been really excited about a new program, a class, an exercise workout, a business association, or for that matter, anything you were going to jump in with both feet? I know I have. Many times the excitement and commitment seems to fade into the sunset never to be seen again. Sound familiar?

I have learned so many things over the years. But, biggest thing I have learned has given me the edge is what I call "Staying Plugged In". It is so easy to stop attending educational seminars, buying DVDs and books, investing in coaching, and doing the things that keep me motivated and educated to reach the next level. It would also be easy to stop growing my businesses and live off what we have currently created.

I find the more I push myself to keep involved and keep growing, the easier it gets. Oh sure, it was real hard at first. I never knew if I should spend the money on this or that. I didn't always believe going to a marketing seminar or attending a mastermind meeting was really worth it. Once I crushed those thoughts and beliefs I have never stopped looking forward.

I encourage all of you to "Stay Plugged In" at what ever it is you are involved in. Maybe you are a basketball or tennis coach and think attening another clinic is a waste of time. Big mistake! All you need is one idea- to give you a winning strategy to go to a new level- remember the "Principle of Slight Edge." So regardless of the sport you coach, business you run, or life you want to live. You need to keep involved and keep growing to reach higher levels of success, or at least maintain your current level ("If you not moving, your not living")

People Who Are Plugged In

Olympic athletes are definitely "Plugged In". They know that if they come "unplugged" for even the shortest time, the journey back to the top is so much harder. They keep engaged with their sport, their conditioning, their mental training, their strategies, and their focus.

You see, when Olympic athletes stay plugged in, they never get away from the newest trends or training strategies that might make a big difference in their success. But, had they stopped working out, staying sharp, and learning they might have fallen behind and never recaptured their greatness.

The top business people in any business are "Plugged In". They don't want to lose their edge, so they keep learning, keep pushing, always asking "what else can I do". Donald Trump is Plugged in, Bill Gates is plugged in, Peyton Manning is plugged in, even Brett Farve never let himself get completely unplugged. He still stayed sharp enough to be one of the best. Michael Jordan is plugged in, even though he has been retired for several years now. He simply shifted his focus to the business side but never lost his edge.

Losing The Edge- Being Unplugged

I can remember several years ago a high school basketball team needed a head coach because the former coach moved on to a new job. The school, after a short search, ended up hiring a teacher in the school district that was a former basketball coach 25 years earlier. He had not coached at any level in 25 years. He was not plugged in to the game and it showed.

I can remember watching a game and seeing the players become frustrated at him because his style of coaching was so outdated compared to the new faster pace game. It wasn't even that his style was more of a slow down game, it was that he didn't recognize he had some fast players able to push the ball up the court quickly. His discipline was weak. He use to be a good leader on the court, but he had lost his feel for the game and the players. He simply was away from the game too long and lost his edge.

What Are YOU Choosing To Do?

Are you staying "Plugged in". If you are a strength coach, trainer, sport coach, parent coaching youth sports, physical therapist, chiropractor, athletic development business owner or anyone that is involved with sport or business you need to stay plugged in and always look for the slight edge. For this reason, I created the a membership that allows you to keep the edge. Speed Insiders is about giving you constant information you can use to improve your athletes, marketing, business growth, and much more. Don't look for some magic pill, look for consistent information that leads to success. Get "Plugged In" and try my two month FREE trial Speed Insiders program. I give you the first two months free so you can be comfortable with the information and give you a chande to see the positive direction it will lead you, your athletes, and your business. Take me up on my offer and a FREE ride to success and take a FREE ride to success.

Yours in Speed,


PS: If your want to stay plugged in and not get left behind, become a member of Speed Insiders- go to now to get the edge you have been looking for.

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