Friday, September 12, 2008

The Speed Guys Weekly Blog Tip

Hope you are having a great weekend!

I have decided to do something different with my blog. During the week, I will be writing more information about training topics, motivation, coaching, business, and other issues along those lines. On the weekends, I will be writing short, but important Tips of the Week.

This tip will be on any of the topics I mentioned above, but it will be to the point and give you something you can apply immediately.

So I hope you enjoy "The Speed Guys" Tip of the Week:

Stop teaching jumping to young kids (12 and under for this example) without taking the time to build a landing foundation.

I recently watched a YouTube video of a women working with 2 youngster. She was having them perform plyometric exercises. It was simply terrible to watch. No form on landing, totally off balance, and joints not being stable....BAD STUFF!

You want to spend as many session as needed teaching the fundamentals of landing and jumping before the intensity rises. "Plyometric" jumps (getting off the ground quickly upon landing) can be used at the lowest level, like line jumps, jump rope..., but DO NOT advance the kids passed this type of exercise.

If kids perform exercises that force them to perform it poorly just to complete it there fresh nervous system is programming the bad patterns in. You need to slow down and first teach them how to perform the foundation of landing and jumping correctly in a safe environment first. As they mature you can add.

Go get'em, have fun, be creative, but be a consummate professional and teacher.

Yours in Speed,


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