Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mean Mom

I have to applaud the actions of this mother- read She took action that should send a message to her son that she truly cares about his life and won't tolerate him playing Russian Roulette with his life.

Because I am such a big advocate for kids I have no tolerance for them risking their futures by participating in drugs and alcohol. As a head coach I have had the displeasure of dismissing kids from my team because they choose to cheat themselves and their team by participating in illegal use of alcohol. I am not preaching to you I am stating my opinion. I have had friends, students, and athletes killed because they choose wrongly. I do not accept the excuse that many parents and coaches make for their children/athletes "Well, they made a mistake." No they didn't- they made a choice and need to learn that their are strict consequences that go along with that choice.

I remember parents pleading with me when their child was dismissed from the team and saying "we all did it when we were kids"- wrong! I never tasted alcohol until I was 22 years old. I made a conscience decision to stay away from it. I mention this because I lived in the same town, had the same friends, had the same social gatherings, had the same environment but made a different choice.

This mother took action to make her son realize his actions could have killed him and many others and it will not be tolerated. He may find other ways to use alcohol but there is no doubt he now knows his mother cares enough to make a strong statement. YESSS- finally a positive spin on what could have been another tragedy.

I wrote this blog because I stand firm that we have to get control of our young people and make sure they know it is acceptable NOT to use drugs and alcohol. There are alternatives to that form of behavior. We as parents need to provide atmospheres that show the spirit of good fun living without risking our health and lives.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion.

By-the-way, checkout my new book for developing a championship attitude


Sha Ali said...

Lee it's great to see that there are still coaches out there that realize that we, as adults can't sit by and watch our children/athletes make dangerous choices with their future/lives.

We can't be afraid to verbalize and enforce common sense and create a structure environment with rules and discipline in our youth. They will grow to appreciate it when they start to see their lives unfold and their goals achieved.

LT said...

Thanks Sha,

I get tired of hearing excuses being made for kids poor decisions. I understand we all make mistakes- but it is conscious decisions that we need to look out for.