Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Huge Break Throughs! Read How It Happened...

YES! I am back in town for a while. I love traveling and speaking, hosting seminars, and all that... but I am tired and ready to stay home for a while and get back on a regular weekly path.

Let me tell you about this past weekend...It was my last Athletic Speed Formula Seminar so I did something special. I combined the seminar with my mastermind group. The new attendees were allowed to sit in on some powerful masterminding and watch some awesome breakthroughs happen! It was great to see and I can't wait to hear about the actions steps they are all going to take in their businesses and training programs.

One of the big breakthroughs had to do with a mis-understanding of how I coach my athletes and implement my techniques.

If you know me or attended any seminars I have spoken at over the past several years, then you know I love to talk with anyone in the lobby or hall about training. There are times when I enjoy that more than the seminar because there is real ground made by those asking questions... plus I met new folks. With that said...at the end of my seminar I was talking with one of the attendees in the hotel lounge area. He had asked me several questions about many of my speed techniques. Then he asked something that was a huge breakthrough for both of us. He asked, "At what part during your training programs do you start implementing the plyo step, hip turn, directional step and teach it to your athletes?" My answer was- "I Don't." I explained to him there is never a time when I specifically teach those type of skills. I use various multi-directional acceleration and deceleration skills in which those skills would be represented, but I don't have a day where I am going to coach the plyo step or the others. It was a huge breakthrough for both of us.

For me, I realized the confusion he had and how there might be thousands of coaches who have read my information might be under the same thought process- I need to fix that. For him, he was so relieved to find out he didn't actually have to find particular days to teach this stuff.

You see, I coach global (all around) athletic speed. I want to see athletes move in their natural state. I want them to use what they were given by their creator. All of us have natural instinctive movement ability. What I have done over my career is embrace and endorse how the body moves. Along the way I make needed changes so the athletes moves as close as possible to the natural way we were meant to move. The plyo step, hip turn, directional step, lateral gait system, crossover, and everything else is simply a part of the big design. Because I know these movements are all natural and based on the concepts and principles I have outlined over the years I can simply coach situational speed skills and know that I should be seeing the natural patterns (plyo step, hip turn...) occur. But when I don't see them occurring and the athlete is being hampered due to it- then I jump in based off my evaluation of their movement dysfunction and correct it.

Wow! That was really powerful for me to go through. I have always tried to say the speed skills I endorse are so natural and already in place we really have to become better evaluators and make corrections off what we observe in our athletes movements, rather than implementing something that is already innate.

The Seminar As A Whole

One of the coolest experiences for me was to see the attendees have huge breakthroughs on their businesses. Most own training facility and some are laying the foundation to have their own facility, and others are program creators in a facility. In any case, some of the powerful strategies I shared with them make huge impacts- just like it did for me when I attend my mastermind and coaching sessions.

Some of the concepts that were big for success are listed below:

  • How to be more productive each day and get things done by following a mapped out system.

  • How to create fast planning of a new idea and bring it to completion.

  • How to get more clients using many different powerful methods.

  • How to keep clients longer.

  • How to grow speed camp businesses.

  • Ways to create your niche and why.

  • How to develop a day to day training system.

  • Creating business systems that work.

  • So much more...

I am so pumped up because of the breakthroughs. I could see the wheels turning of each attendee as they saw the potential for them.

Yours in Speed,

PS: If you are having struggles in your business and not getting the results you deserve, then you should be searching out a mastermind group to belong to. You need to realize the power of working with others on your business and stop doing it alone. Give me an email at BusinessCoaching@SportsSpeedEtc.com and let's set up an free consultation and let's find out if your ready to go to the next level with your business.

PSS: If you are not a Speed Insiders Member know is the time. You get to test drive it for FREE for 2 months and set the foundation for what is going to be a huge 2009 for members. You deserve to be a part of it. Go to http://www.speedinsiders.com/ to join for 2 months FREE now.

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