Thursday, November 20, 2008

NO!...He didn't just do that..

Family Update:

He's walking! Brennen, my 9 1/2 month old son started walking last night. For about a couple weeks he started taking a couple of steps here and there but then last night he took off like he is a professional walker. It was like he knew he accomplished something big. He wanted to keep walking to us. It is so much fun to see you children develop. Those of you who are parents know what this means now...Move things out of reach, close all the doors to keep him out, and get ready for more bumps and bruises. It will be a fun time for a while.

Thoughts on Concentration at Important Times:

The other night I was watching the replays of the NCAA 24 hour marathon of games. I saw the Arizona game where the player for Arizona (which was ahead at the time) intentionally fouled the opposing teams player and this player was not even at 1/2 court yet. So, the intentional foul rule applies plus the player was fouled throwing up a prayer past the 3 point line- 3 foul shots.

The point isn't just about this particular play it is about the ability of the coach to get the players attention and the players ability to zone in on the coach during key times.

This situation isn't only important in sports or school. It is important in business as well. How do you as a coach, teacher, manager get your players to focus in on you during important times; when you have an important message or when they really need to know the "rules" at that time.

Do you have a strategy for getting the players or people around you to focus in on you during really important messages? Let me give you a couple examples that might help.

1. When I am dealing with young kids or in a training class I am coaching, I will kneel down on one knee, become excited with my voice, maybe clap quickly and say "OK, Here we go". This simply let them know something big is coming. I always look each person directly in the eyes for a second or two. This usually gets them cued on me. I am able to give directions with good focus, but I am not done until I ask "Do You Have Any Questions?" This way I give them a chance to get clarification on anything they didn't understand before doing the task.

2. When coaching and in a huddle/time out situation. I make sure I tell everyone to look at me. I explain the situation (how much time is left, any time outs remaining...) then tell them the exact play I want to run. Follow up with "Do you have any questions?"

I am not going to sit here and tell you this is going to work all the time, because no matter how much time you spend getting them focused there will always be the un-focused ones. However, having a consistent routine of getting your players, students, employees keyed in and focused before giving the information out is important.

Also, During key times or emotionally high situations it is more important to have a calming effect on the individuals you are speaking to rather than being frantic and out of control.

Take a look at your strategies you use in situations where you really want to make an important point. Do you have a plan to get every ones attention or do you just start spouting off?

Athletic Speed Formula and Mastermind Seminar

In my last post you saw the picture of the attendees of the seminar. I must tell you, it was a great group of individuals and they were so helpful to each other.

One of the powerful things of masterminding is you develop personal and business relationships that can last a lifetime. At the opening of the seminar I mentioned to all the attendees to make sure they make some connections with other. I personally directed individuals to other individuals I believed could benefit form each other. We had some very successful people in this mastermind group and using the power of multiple minds is a great way to boost your business.

If you have not made it a point to find a mastermind group I would mark it on your calendar right now and start looking. You will be glad you did.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Do you have questions about what a mastermind program can do for you? Simple send me an email at I would love to help you out.

PSS: Don't forget to sign up for your FREE 2 month Speed Insiders trial embership. Now is the time to take a FREE ride for 2 months while my staff and I ramp up some incredible new things for 2009. You will be positioned to grab a front row seat for all the fun. Go to and sign up now.

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