Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Real Tough Day!

What's Happening?

Let me first start by apologizing for not sending my Thursday and Saturday blogs. My wife and I traveled to New York to close down the Speed Academy. It was a rough 3 days.

First off it was a long drive for Jenn, Brennen, and Me. We drove all day Thursday, loaded a 24 foot truck with any equipment I didn't sell for 2 days, and drove all day Saturday back to Indiana. That was tough enough- but what was really tough on me was closing the academy.

Since the early 90's I have been training athletes in the north east of NY. It has been special to me because I have gotten close with many athletes and families over the time. Some of the adults in my bootcamps I had when they were in high school. But ultimately I had to make the difficult decision to close it down because it is much more important that I am with my family in Indiana all the time.

I want to make sure all the people that have supported me over the years in NY know how much I appreciate their support. It has been a great experience for me.

So not only was the move physically demanding it was emotionally draining. I felt the program was great for the community and offered the young athletes a chance to train properly and gain and advantage in their pursuit of being better athletes and people.

Why Athletic Development Facilities are Good

If done with the right focus in mind an athletic development facility is a place where young athletes can develop physically, mentally, and socially. If the programs just about physical development the ball is being missed. But if the owners of such facilities understand that when you have a young athlete join you actually take on the entire family. I know when my daughters join a program my wife and I are concerned that they are being treated properly and the instructor has my kids best interest in hand. Too many facilities forget about the development of good character and how this plays a role a young persons life. Each day should devoted to helping young people speak well, socialize with others, commit to quality effort, use their own minds and decision making (we should not take away young peoples ability to have a say and make choice. The helps develop creative thinking.), and learn something new as well as reinforce something old.

When athletes are only being focused on athletic performance so many other important qualities of human development are missed. These other qualities are what I enjoyed so much at the speed academy in NY.

Well, I have no doubt the athletes in NY will be fine and develop into good athletes and wonderful people. For me, I will begin training athletes once again in Indiana like I have in the past. I love the opportunity to help young people reach their potential and look forward to the new start-all over again:)

I would love to hear your stories of how you have impacted young peoples lives through coaching. Please send them to www.info@sportsspeedetc.com

Yours in Speed,


PS: Be on the look out to a few changes Speed Insiders. If you are not already a memeber, take a test drive... http://www.speedinsiders.com/.

PSS: If you are a basketball fan you will want to check out http://www.basketballspeedinsiders.com/. This program has some awesome information and is only getting better.

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