Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Discipline Can Be Fun

I am excited to share with you the following ideas on organized fitness:

As I mentioned in my last post, I had a great experience learning from one of the most knowledgeable fitness experts in the world. What he shared with me was how fitness was performed years ago. He shared with me how the decline of fitness started with the shift going from physical fitness and movement to more sports oriented. Young people stopped learning how to move correctly, be physically fit, and posturally strong to learning how to play more organized sports. I believe both could have been accomplished and flourished simultaneously. Discipline can be fun if done correctly.

What do I mean when I say discipline can be fun? Basically what I mean is if we want to bring back the art of teaching fitness and physical education rather than simply allowing kids to explore all the time and have more of a game atmosphere, then we need to have focus on a few things. First of all we need to learn how to deal with large groups. We need to know how to get them in formation so learning can take place. There are many formations; rectangular, semi-circle, circle, triangular and so forth. By placing students in order the teacher can see all students better. The teacher really should be teaching from a platform and every student should be able to see the teacher. Secondly, everyone should be on the same count. This is fun and it really looks cool. When all students are timed up and count at the same time (like it use to be at practice) it gives a sense of pride to everyone. The kids really want to do well. Finally, The students should begin by learning and following what the teacher demonstrates. They should then work with a partner to check each others form. This is important because each student learns how to teach. There is no better way to learn then to teach.

There are many other reasons but the three I mentioned can bring about a fun atmosphere for all the students yet great discipline. Discipline gets a bad name- I am not talking about a cold harsh environment. If taught and organized properly the students are the ones that want the well organized and disciplined setting. Think of a well orchestrated marching band. They looked terrific when they all move together. Each member of the band has pride in doing their part well. That atmosphere can be brought back and fitness.

Now that I have explained how a form of well organized fitness should be done let me explain the needs of free play and child lead games. They can both exist in a fitness and physical education class. I can honestly say if I had to choose I would make the well organized form of fitness and movement training the priority. Why? Because our country is unfit and our kids don't move well. By the age of 2nd grade you can begin to see the postural deformities begin. This is because we don't move enough as kids and we don't develop strong upper bodies and cores any more. Kids are always going to play. That is what recess is about and playing at the parks or backyard with friends. We have to take our fitness back and strengthen out kids again.

Many of you who have followed me for years and might see a change in approach from more play to more organized fitness. Well, I witnessed such poor physical education classes in my children's school and many others poor fitness programs that I feel change is needed. I have always been a big fan of children playing and exploring how to move and that will never change. But, there needs to be a more organized period of training (even if it is 30 minutes a day) of well performed movements. This should be looked at as a source of pride and accomplishment not taking away the kids freedom of expression.

Often the terms "burn out" and "overuse" come in to play when we discuss organized discipline and fitness. The two shouldn't go in the same sentence if done correctly. The burn out comes from poor coaches and teachers overdoing sports and specific training of sports. When parents make their kids play in several soccer leagues or baseball leagues or practice ice skating for 5 hours per day. The difference is in the intent and the focus on goals. My goal is to bring back healthy movement and fitness. I don't need to overdue this. I just need to have kids move everyday in a fun organized setting (I would even take 4 days a week if that's all I could have).

Over the next few months I will be working on outlining sequences and progressions of exercises that can be put into a healthy physical education and fitness program. I hope you will help me in this process.

Yours in Speed,


PS: I have been telling you for some time about a few changes that are going to take place to my Speed Insiders program in 2009, well you just had a brief look into what some of the changes will be. Go to so you can take part in this exciting venture.

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