Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Tax Man Taketh Away!!

Family Update

Everyone is doing so well. Brennen is cooing like crazy. You can almost see the wheels turning in his tiny head "I am trying to talk but it just comes out all mumbled." Jae and Bailee are having so much fun with him.

This weekend I am speaking at the Perform Better Summit in Chicago. My family is going to come with me. We are going to make a special trip to the American Girl Doll Factory. I guess it is a really cool place- if you like dolls and stuff:) Anyway I am excited to have my family with me for one of my speaking trips. I usually travel alone and it will be nice to have them with me for a change.

Speaking of "Speaking"

Jenn and I are working hard preparing for the Athletic Speed Formula happening May 16-18 (May 15th if you are a Speed Insiders Member). We like most others have been hit hard again by the TAX MAN. So we have decided to extend the early bird special sign up date. So don't worry about it. You can still take advantage of huge savings on your investment in the Athletic Speed Formula Seminar. Don't keep procrastinating though. Before you know it May will be here and you will have missed one of the best seminars of the year.

It is not that often that you get such close up front attention at a seminar. They usually follow the format of "You sit and listen and take notes." The Athletic Speed Formula is an interactive experience where I teach along with you asking questions and giving your ideas. My information will be given to you in a way that you can take notes, practice what you just learned, ask questions about it, make adjustments, practice it again, and be totally on board. You will have opportunities to work with my athletes as well as try the skills and techniques out on yourself and other attendees.

You will walk away with more than just drills. You will learn strategies to be the best teacher you can be. You will learn my systems of training athletes.

It is very important to me that you walk away on Sunday with more than you expected. I want you to feel comfortable with all that you learned so you can implement it on Monday morning.

If you are not completely satisfied that I gave you a ton of useful information that will improve your business, teaching or coaching you can speak to me after the seminar an I will gladly give your money back. You have nothing to lose. Go to now so you can be apart of this ground breaking seminar.

Going Early to the NBA/WNBA or other Professional Sports

In my last blog I asked for peoples responses to athletes leaving school early for the NBA/WNBA. I had some great responses. I have to say I can see the argument that most everyone posted.

I still believe too many people clump everyone in the same category. Not all athletes are mentally and physically prepared, but many are. Kobe Bryant and Labron James were both physically and mentally prepared. Kobe spent much of his life traveling in Europe watching his father play. He learned a real tough style of professional sports (the European League). Labron on the other hand traveled the United States as a high school senior playing in front of huge audiences and nationally televised games. He was interviewed and written about as if he were already an NBA player.

I there is the comments about, Yeah but they missed the great college experience and the coaching. But maybe that wasn't what they wanted. It might not have been right for them. On the other hand- it probably is good for most other players. The key is to have the options for these players. Even if you feel they need to the "College Experience" that isn't always what they want.

I guess I am one of those people that feels you can't have a one size fits all approach. I might have 3 different opinions on 3 different players. But the bottom line is to nurture them in their decision.

Hey, I have to get running so I will talk to you soon. I might be writing from Chicago if I have the time.

Yours in Speed,


PS: Don't pass up the opportunity to be at the Athletic Speed Formula where you will get such great individual attention and walk away with your questions answered and LOTS MORE!

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