Saturday, February 16, 2008

For The Wrong Reason

Family Update

The family is doing well. Bailee has a little sickness bug that is going around her school. I am hoping she will feel better tomorrow. She had to miss her basketball game today. Jae had a basketball game today. She said they played pretty well. I couldn't make it because I was a guest presenter on aSpeed Clinic Webinar. I felt real bad about missing Jae's game, but she was excited to give me the full update when she got home. Brennen and Jenn are doing just great. He is getting more alert each day- fun to watch.

For The Wrong Reason

As many of you know I have the Lee Taft Speed Academy in Northern New York. My staff and I work real hard at bringing the community a program they can be proud of. It has always been my mission to serve the youth population and be a resource for the area coaches and parents. This will continue to be our driving force as we move into the years to come.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case with all facilities and it disapoints me. Many facilities begin a athletic development program for the wrong reason. There is a facility located near my speed academy that has recently opened up an athletic development program and are doing it just to capitalize on making money off kids. I have no issues with programs opening up and attempting to help the community, especially the youth members. However, when all their advertising is geared at low balling what my facility is doing it sends the message that they are not serious about working with kids and they have alternative methods. I am all for competitive marketing, but not when kids are wrongfully sought out.

In their marketing, they try to play off what our system is and make it play in their favor. The problem I have is that I have established systems for many years and continually improve them. They are based off my hard work and experience. If they were to build their own philosophy and develop a sound system for the community I could welcome them. However, because they have more of a sabotaging approach then a true desire to help the kids I can't respect or support their mission. I have always said there is enough room for all of us to be successful in our fields, but if the mission is intended to be of malice then there is no room for them in the youth industry.

I have spent a lifetime working with kids and have seen so many positve facilities and programs develop over the years to help kids develop. I have also seen many around the country with the wrong intent. I certainly wouldn't give up on these facilities, but I just think they need to re-organize their mission and efforts to help kids rather than try to make a quick buck or sabotage other successful facilities. Let's keep the mission of kids always out in front!

Only 2 Weeks

How many athletes, coaches, parents, and trainers do you know that are just frustrated with all the mixed information in the athletic development industry. The thing is it isn't that the most of the information is incorrect, it is just that is confuses people because they don't know what one to use or really how to implement it.

In 2 weeks I am launching my Speed Insiders Program. It is based on proven systems, unchanged laws of movement and principles of biomechanics. The systems I use for training speed, strength, flexibility and all the aspects of strength and conditioning and general fitness are extremely successful and easy to use. Even if you only used the principles and laws I follow and used your own systems, then you will be successful.

Too often coaches, trainers, and athletes try to change the beauty and effeciency of the bodies natural neurological reactions to sporting and athletic stimulus. This is the wrong approach and not one of them can actually give you a good reason why they do change it other than that was how I was taught to do it.

You need to allow me to clear up the confusion for you with the Speed Insiders program. I know you receive marketing "stuff" and people in your face with new programs all the time. People are always selling you something. I am offering you an opportunity to make a difference based off my success. It will always be your choice, but I want to help you make the best choice for your athletes and clients.

Go to to start making a change.

Yours in Speed,


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