Thursday, February 14, 2008

You've Gotta See This!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you are having a special V-day. If not, better luck next year:) Just kidding! Hey, if you are anything like my family- we are on the go so much. My girls have events today they are involved in after school, plus Jenn and I are working our tails off getting ready for the big launch of, and with little Brennen (two and 1/2 weeks old), we are happy having a nice family dinner tonight and appreciating our family.

I can remember when Jenn and I were first dating. We use to go out to dinner and dancing. We just had a great time (I use to pull the Ickey shuffle on her on the dance floor- what women in her right mind wouldn't fall for that move:). On Valentine's Day we would have a special dinner, maybe a movie, and just appreciate our time together. Then we had kids- That was when our dinners turned into strapping on the feedbad and quickly entertaining the kids while they spit their food on the floor and smeared it on thier face. Hey, but when you in love- nothing else really matter. That's my story and I am sticking to it!

Speed Insiders Coming Soon!

As many of you know- the launch of the highly anticipated is only a couple weeks away. To date, this is the most excited I have been in my business life because I know how much this program will impact others. I just can't wait!

You know what really amazed me? Over the past several months I went back into my old workout binders that I keep (I have almost all my workout training sessions I conducted with atheltes from way back in the early 90's). I think it is important to keep your old stuff for many reason, but what I was so amazed at how little my philosophy has changed from what I was teaching back then. That told me that what I teach really works and impacts athletes. There were some basic changes I made over the years, mainly dealing with the type of exercise I use now as compared to then, but for the most part it is still intact today. I have a nailed it down to a few reason why I haven't changed much:

1. I am a believer in the principles and laws of movement. They don't change. I adopted them in my infancy as a coach and why would I change what works.
2. I have always believed that the body will show me what works best- all I have to do is "Look, Listen, and Learn" and I will be on the money most of the time.
3. I don't allow equipment or programs to dictate my training. If I had I would have changed every time new equipment came out or a new method of designing a program was developed. I stick to the basics and use simple programs to get big results. BACK IN 1992 I DID A CLINIC FOR REEBOK AT THE DORAL RESORT FOR THE EASTER BOWL TENNIS TOURNAMENT. ON ONE OF THE BREAKS A GENTLEMAN SAW ME AND SAID "HEY, AREN'T YOU THE CONE MAN". I SAID, "YES, THAT'S ME". CONES HAVE BEEN MY MOST VALUABLE AND MOST OFTEN USED EQUIPMENT. YOU CAN'T GET ANY MORE BASIC THAN THAT.

What I am about to share with you in a couple weeks is tried and tested and proven successful. Why would I change from that. I take what I do seriously and I want you to do the same.

Go to to find out what all the hype is about.

I will be sharing some more great info in just a while.

Yours in speed,


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