Sunday, February 24, 2008

NFL Combine Experience

What a Great Day!

Saturday morining at 9am my oldest daughter, Jae, and I headed over to the Indianapolis Convention Center and Dome for the NFL Combine Clinic. I didn't speak until 3:30 and then again at 5:15, but we wanted to take in the experience.

My youngest daughter, Bailee, really wasn't in to hanging out for that long so she, Brennen and Jenn stayed back home. Bailee had her last basketball game at the YMCA. She did well! Brennen didn't care where he went as long as he could eat, sleep and get a diaper change.

Once Jae and I got there we walked around to all the vendors and then stood on the walkway were all the coaches and players come through. Jae was about 3 feet from Tom Coughlin of the NY Giants but was able to get his autograph. The security didn't let him stop for more than one or two signings. Tony Dungy then came flying past us all with the security guard yelling "Coach Dungy can't stop, Coach Dungy can't stop". So She missed out on him as well. She was real disappointed she didn't get their autographs. Then before we knew it Jeff Fisher walked passed us and went up the stairs to the next level, followed by Coach Tice going in the opposite way. It was fun for me to see Jae's eyes light when she realized who they were.

In the Clinic

While we were in the clinic area, I spent a lot of time talking with some great strength coaches and friends. They were all so good to Jae and spent some time asking her questions- good people! Some of the people we hung out with were; Duane Carlisle, just named the head strength coach for the 49ers.,Mark Verstagen, ownwer of athletes performance in Arizona, Robb Rogers, one of the directors of sports performance at St.Vincent and long time college strength coach, Greg Moore, performance coach at St. Vincent and in charge of the NFL combine training for the facility, and David Craig, a long time pacers Athletic Trainer and now in the front office. They were all great to speak with and so kind to Jae (who by the way, did an amazing job of sitting through all the clinic). Jae actually helped me demonstrate during my hands on session. I'm so proud of her!

My Presentation

I spoke on "How to Maximize Multi-Directional Speed". I talked about the common myths in speed development and how we need to be better listeners, and observers of our athletes. They will tell us a lot how we should move.

I spent some time on how the body innately figures out how to move it's feet and legs to gain an advantage for quickness of movement. As usual, when I looked out into the audience, I could see some confusion and disbelief. I continued on to explain to them why and how natuaral movement occurs. But I couldn't wait to get them in the hand on session so they could really feel what I was talking about.

Hands On

In the hands on session, I showed them how the body re-organizes itself to be more efficient out of a non-effecient stance for acceleration in any direction. 100% of the participants all did the plyo step, hip turn, and directional step which are the cornerstone of athletic acceleration from a non-linear starting stance (like a track athlete). Needless to say, they were all believers and couldn't believe they had been teaching their athletes not to do the plyo step- which they called the false step. Like I have always said, they didn't question why they were taught to do it the other way. I always questions things for the sake of getting compete clarity.

I can't wait to share this type of information as well as so much more with all of you. So you don't miss out on one drop of information you need to go to to find out how you can be apart of the Speed Insiders Movement. is going to launch Feb. 29ths... don't wait! Get in line to gain access to incredible information.

Yours in speed,


PS. Don't wait, go to now!

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