Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today's blog is a special one. It is my youngest daughter birthday. She turned 9 years old today. As you would expect from a 9 year old, she is so excited. She was looking forward to going to school today and share the day with her friends but luck would have it- we had a day off due to icy roads. Tonight we are having a special family get-together at her grandmother's house.

Last week she had an unofficial birthday party and sleep-over with her friends. They played games, made crafts and all that fun stuff.


Time Goes Fast

It is so amazing to Jenn and I how fast time has gone. To think our little girls are 9 and 11 years old already and Brennen will be 1 year old in just over a month from now. It hardly seems possible.

I think of the time I missed with them when I was a PE teacher, coach, and ran my training business. I would miss them in the morning when they got up, I would hardly see them when I arrived home, and I was always rushed. Then, after we had moved to Indiana, I spent 2 years away while I was running the Speed Academy. It is time I will never get back, but I am making up for it now. I want to be around for all their events in school, sports, and social. I am loving ever second of it and soaking everything in.

This makes my realize how much I want to be in charge of my life. That is why I became my own boss. I can work as long and hard as I want or take as much time off as I want. I make my own schedule and answer to no one- well almost no one (Jenn). I think of many of my friends who are just too afraid to take complete control of their lives and be their own boss. It isn't for everyone, but there are more opportunities than you think. Just remember, when you are in your final years of life- did you really live life or just follow in a straight line and not take a chance to improve your life and be who you really want. You get one shot and one shot only. You are more in control than you think.

In just a blink of an eye, I will be writing this blog next year when my daughter turns 10. What are you going to do in next 12 months? Stay in a straight line or live your life the way you want it?

Yours in Speed,


PS: Take a few minutes tonight and think about the things you really like to do and you are good at. How can you possibly turn it into a part time or full time business? You never know what will happen unless you try. I think the quality of your life will dramatically go up once you start living your life and not the life dictated by others. Even in this challenged economic times there are possibilities all around you- keep looking.

PPS: If you want to advance your career in sports training, you need to become a Speed Insider. This program will allow you to see the possibilities. Not only will you learn skills and techniques as a coach, you also will see hear successful professionals share their thoughts and ideas. Go to and take a FREE drive for 2 months and get a front row seat to what is coming in 2009.

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