Saturday, December 20, 2008

Take A Little Off The Edges


The count down is on. The New Year is approaching fast and what usually comes with the New Year? New Year's Resolutions! Come On- you know you are trying to figure out what yours will be for 2009. The biggest New Year Resolution usually has something to do with fat loss or changing the things that leads to fast loss (start exercising, eating better, getting more rest and recovery...) So I decided to write this week's tip based on fat loss.

Saturday Weekly Tip: Fast Loss

Purpose: Hmm, FAT LOSS!

The real purpose of this tip: To help you have a strategy

Strategy: Let me tell you a short story before I go into the strategy. In the early 90's, when I worked at few tennis academies and at my own business, I began to notice a transformation with my athletes once I started to ramp up one particular training component. (I will explain in a minute what that was.) I started to see girls and boys were becoming so much more muscular (not big, just lean). It was almost like the fat melted off them much quicker than before.

I can remember doing what we normally did when we needed athletes to lose fat- put them on the bike or treadmill and have them work for 30-60 minutes. It seemed to be a long process with little return.

Not only did I work on their nutrition, but I also began having them do more strength training. The system was this: They started with a good warm up, followed by speed and agility focus with good recovery, strength training, and finished with intervals on bikes or running. In most cases when using a fast loss program I would perform the strength training first followed by intervals, but with athletes I had to make sure they were rested when performing speed and agility skills.

Once the strength training was added the athletes began to drop fat quickly. I am not going to go into all the science behind it regarding energy expenditure due to muscle energy needs and hormonal fat burning factors, but it is amazing. You can look it up on any NEW UP-TO-DATE fat loss program like Alwyn Cosgrove's AFTER BURN Programs or Craig Ballentyne's TURBULENCE TRAINING Programs.

Here is what you are going to do to burn fat quickly: Clean up you diet, stop eating junk foods and soft drinks, and eat natural whole foods put on this earth to be eaten. Next, start strength training for at least 20-30 minutes 3 days per week, and finish each workout with 8-15 minutes of intervals on a bike, treadmill, running or other exercise- preferably something that doesn't pound your joints much. You can do research to find out how to do intervals and strength training.

Your body will turn into a energy consuming furnace and fat is going to be the fuel that stokes the fire. You will melt away the fat. Remember, you have to work at a high enough intensity to make it happen.

As I mentioned before, you can find out more on how to do all these exercises correctly but I don't want you to take this tip lightly. If you follow this tip you will burn fat and be in the best shape of your life.

Yours in Speed,

PS: If you want to get information on how to strength train properly, perform speed and agility correctly, and be the best coach or athlete you can be sign up to be a member of the Speed Insiders at

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